It has already passed for the impressive and overwhelming response of Woody FM on Stage with Freen-Becky who grabbed 2 hot girls “Freen Sarocha Chankimha” and “Becky Rebecca Patricia Armstrong” came to create new memories for fans. You can call it a complete surprise. Ready to open your mind in depth for the first time! Open curtain talk

The first show was with Freen Sarocha. She came in a beautiful, sweet look with a strong spirit. Even though she had a fever of 39 degrees, she intended to come on stage to meet the fans who were waiting to draw a graph of life in each episode. What are the feelings like? Tell us about times in your life that made you feel happy and down. Then the first guest , Noom Kan from the band HYBS , walked out to play a guitar solo in the middle of the stage. Causing loud screams to be heard. Very handsome Got a surprise like this The free girl couldn’t keep her expression down. When I meet an artist from the band HYBS that I really like.

Next, there is Becky and Rebecca who come in the most beautiful and chic look. and revealed that he really was and is an intro worker But once you’re in the industry, you can overcome this. Because I feel happy and do work that I love. along with drawing a graph of what your own life is like each year And the guest who came to surprise Becky was “Kimberly Ann Voltemus” but because she was abroad, she sent a clip to say hello. It made Becky very pleased. To the point of smiling without stopping with admiration, then the two girls walked together on the stage. Ready to perform a moral drama together in “Woody Airlines” playing the role of a female stewardess And the plane was about to crash and they had to tell each other their feelings in 2 minutes. And because both of them work hard, they hardly have time to go on vacation.
Becky even spoke her mind to Frein saying….“If you’re free, let’s go on a trip together.”
Freen then replied….“I’ll take you on a trip.”

So P’ Woody wanted to arrange a surprise for the couple to travel to the Maldives together for 4 days and 3 nights for free throughout the trip, which made both girls’ hearts swell with delight. and made dreams come true for fans as well And the highlight part of the event was the couple choosing gifts for each other. Freen gave Becky an earring. Becky gives Phrene a stuffed brown dachshund. which is like Fluffy, Frien’s beloved dog. Freen then wore Becky’s earrings on stage as well, a moment that made everyone happy. And the couple also gave a gift to Brother Woody, a very popular doll, Labubu (Labubu).

At the end, Woody FM on Stage created the Muang Thai Rachadalai Theater stage. It was a scene on a luxurious dinner table. The couple had to play a quick question and quick answer game, Yes or No. This event brought both smiles and laughter. Before concluding the warmest impression Everyone was overflowing with happiness from the two girls. Who came to share life stories, both suffering and happiness, in the deepest way for the first time. allowing fans to see another side of them Gathered the gratitude that the couple had communicated. Passing on positive energy, smiles, laughter and a full heart. We all returned home with full hearts.
For fans who are still not satisfied, we have opened a rerun in Full HD for fans to watch again all over the world! On May 3, 2024 at 12:00 noon – until May 10, 2024 at 11:59 p.m. only (compilation of new language translation to make it more perfect) Buy tickets at :