‘Madam Mae’ brand was started from Woody’s mother’s cooking experience Wuthithorn Milinchinda who has many recipes and is a full-fledged cook. don’t skimp on the machine This makes both Thai and foreign friends very much like it. And had the opportunity to join hands with “Nara Thai Cuisine” to jointly develop the brand together to sell food delivery. There are savory dishes, desserts and snacks that are popular.
The signature of Madame Mae is ‘Curry Puff Truffle’ that anyone who has tried it is impressed. And has developed curry puffs with other fillings to please customers until it becomes a popular souvenir all the time. There is also ‘Green Curry’ that stands out with a special recipe of curry paste that is inherited from Woody’s grandmother.
Currently, ‘Madam Mae’ is available on both online channels. Including having a fair on various occasions