“Anntonia” weathers the storm of bullying words. Revealing the dramatic events before entering the contest!

A beautiful woman who is complete with appearance and talent, the first runner-up of Miss Universe 2023 , “Anntonia Porsild,” comes to reveal the secrets of the universe. Opening up about the secrets behind competing in the Miss Universe pageant. who had to go through drama and be heavily bullied Ready to explain how you got to this point in the WOODY INTERVIEW program.

Do you think it might come further than we thought in life?
Antonia : Actually going to the pageant, Ann was already hoping to win the crown. I secretly regret that I didn’t get the crown back. But Ann is happy to have reached the top when she hasn’t been in a long time. It seems like it has opened the door for many other women to have self-confidence. And I saw Ann as an example in order to go even further than Ann.

While watching the contest, I kept thinking that there might be a question: If you have the opportunity to accept the position, what will you do with this position? Want to hear from Ann? What is the answer?
Antonia: This question, Ann thought, would even be a top-three question. For Ann, she believes that being Miss Universe comes with all the fame and exposure. But what is most important? We use the platform to be inspired. Let’s be an inspiration for women who look up to us as an example. In an era where everything is about social media, Everything must be fast. We should use our platform to create a new shift in our support. Because Ann has created her own company that makes sunscreen spray, sells fried noodles, and sells chili paste on TikTok. Because Ann sees that we create income for ourselves. It makes us feel free. that gives us strength, that we, especially as women

Our society forces women to stay at home. Marrying a rich husband or society’s norm But I believe that we women can do more than this. If we create income for ourselves, we don’t have to be a burden to others. The same is true for collaborative projects. Become an influencer, resell, or start your own company. Therefore, Ann and the Little Steps project let him cooperate together. If Ann gets the position, she will support and inspire the new generation, including women, to dare to start. Dare to create something for yourself. By setting an example for them. Ann must be an example for him to see. Before telling him, you can do it.

When the contest is finished, do you go back into the room and cry?
Antonia : No, maybe I’m in shock. There might be some adrenaline from all three weeks on set. Sitting with the phone for about 4 hours without moving. I didn’t even wash my face. Sit and watch the reaction. Sit and watch everything. Everyone laughed along. Screaming after everyone But another day after that, when I woke up, it came rushing in. Look at other people’s reactions. It was when tears flowed like a fountain or a waterfall, uncontrollably. Ann cried, not because we lost. Because Ann understands that in competition, there must be a loss and a win. We have to make up our minds before coming to the contest. But it’s like we can do as much as possible, 100% of everything we have, and it’s only gotten to this point? It’s like asking yourself if it’s only this much or is it just number 2, and have we done our best like this? Where did we go wrong? But after that, I was like, OK, just cry and feel everything. Every emotion that’s coming And then he didn’t cry and continued.

You’ve been through a lot before getting to where you are today. Since competing in the show during that time, what kind of trends have you encountered and how have you moved past them?
Antonia: How can you be a model if you’re this fat? I was stunned. I didn’t think that our external beauty was that important. that everyone must come to bully. When we look at ourselves in the mirror, we don’t see anything wrong. So why is it so wrong for other people? Ann still didn’t understand this at that time, so she was very sad. At that time, Ann was only 17 years old. Our minds had not yet accepted that this was the world of beauty queens and models. It must be this look. And until today, Ann still misses that time. When I look at myself in the mirror, if I lose weight or gain weight, I never see it. I just saw that it had to be lower than this. Or does it have to be more beautiful? And then coming to compete We may not be confident when we are on stage. But I want everyone to see that we are confident. It will give him confidence in himself as well. But I think it’s more of a journey. It is something that must be developed every day.

Even though it’s been almost 10 years, there’s still no day that Ann isn’t beautiful! But it’s on a daily basis. And when Ann walked through it, it was when Ann said to herself, Other people’s opinions do not depend on our future. Our future does not depend on what other people say. If we know what we have has good value, There are important goals for us. There is no need to listen to what other people have to say. After all, what he said was just words that floated by. Especially in the beauty industry, where everyone has opinions that may be good or bad, But in the end, it is our duty. Will it have an impact on us? But Ann can still stand here, on this stage, as a voice for all women. So what is he doing? That is, when he comes to bully us, it is his insecurity that we cannot control. And Ann said this to herself. We cannot control other people’s pain. But we can control how we move through our pain.

Then there is also the trend that you have already received a position before. and came to compete, complaining that he regretted throwing away that crown in order to get a new one. What do you tell yourself to move on?
Antonia : It was really a deciding factor for Ann. So in the matter of whether to go or not to go to the contest, Because of this matter, Ann never thought that it was possible to get to this point because of us alone. Know that everything that it is today is an experience. Opportunities given by others And what about the channels that everyone helps to make you, Ann? Ann called and asked him if we were going down. Are you okay? We didn’t just decide and go down; we had to respect him as well. I think that we have dreams. Have a passion that still has fire in your heart. Why must we limit our own passion? Because people don’t think like us. I know that the risk of competing again is very high.

But if Ann doesn’t try to do it, Don’t try to push yourself to that point. Ann will live her daily life and will never get an answer when she asks herself because she is worried about what other people will think. I thought about it hard for about 3 months. Ann saw that it was possible to do more than this. If we have a bigger platform and more acquaintances, we have even more potential to impact others. I called to tell him that he was okay. Then we got off and didn’t care what people said anymore. Because actions speak louder than words, The way Ann did each thing made everyone see that Ann didn’t throw away the crown. Don’t steal other people’s positions. Because, in the end, we come up with equal opportunities for everyone. The crown is just that if we don’t do anything about it. If we don’t use our duties Really, will it be crowned or not? Ann also wanted to try to improve and challenge herself. See how far you can go. With the experience developed from the beginning

What do you think is the biggest lesson you’ve learned from the past year about life today?
Antonia : I want to say that it’s okay if we make mistakes. In many things in life, we want to do our best, we want to win, we want to be number 1, and when we don’t reach the goal that we set for ourselves, we see ourselves as failures. But really, our failure, our loss, our not reaching that point It doesn’t mean we’re not good enough. It just means that we still have a lot to improve ourselves. We may not be good enough for this. But we might be very good at it. For something else, our passion should never stop. Just because we haven’t reached that point, we can be sad and cry, but let’s feel that emotion. And then face it. Then bring yourself up and overcome it. Ann may not have won the crown. But what Ann got was bigger than what the crown could give me. It is the love of Thai people that Ann never thought she would receive before. When we returned, we were encouraged. I never thought I would get it in this life. And Ann is very proud to make everyone proud of Ann. And I want him to know that it doesn’t just stop here. But we will continue together.