Gubgib used to argue in front of her children until she had to use strict rules with her husband! It’s gotten to the point of planning your child’s life. and teach you how to say goodbye.

Considered to be another actor who has developed a beautiful and hot personality. and always take good care of yourself For the mother of two children , Gubgib Sumonthip recently opened up and spoke completely on the WOODY INTERVIEW program about family life. Revealing the secret to winning your husband’s heart. Speaking for the first time! Regarding the use of rules and regulations with Husband Bie Thassapak in quarreling in front of the children. and life planning for children on days when parents are not home

There is a story that Landau has never told anyone about planning her child’s life. This year, you feel like your child is growing up very quickly, right?
Gubgib: This year Bao Bao is 8 years old, while Bao Pei is already 3 years old, which is a child when he lives in an international school. I opened my mind a lot. He has done this and that. So I feel like when we were 7-8 years old, what we were doing wasn’t like this. But he can do a lot of different things. And we felt that he was growing up quickly, growing up quickly. Later, Gib and Bie will fly often. Well, Bie flies often. During this period when China opened, he flew back and forth. And after that, I had to go see plastic surgery in Korea. But then there was one day when the two of us had to fly to Korea together and it was probably the longest time. Must leave the child at home

When it was finished, when we flew, we talked about whether we missed the child or not. Open and look at pictures of children like this. For a while, the husband and wife were quiet if something happened to us. We’ve taken care of everything for the child. How much will your child get? The two of us can make it to graduation, right? If something happens to me, who will take care of the child? Already prepared? I told you already. Two people, husband and wife, will sit and talk and cry together. And she said that time passes quickly. Today, we have to sit down and talk about things like this. I feel like my child is growing up. He was going to have to move forward. We must arrange everything for him. If anything happens, we cannot miss it. You must go on with what you have to do.

Are you crying because you feel like you’ve reached this point in your life?
Gubgip: Yes, then we looked at each other. It’s gotten to this point where the two of us aren’t only concerned about ourselves. But we’re worried about the two of them: will they be able to survive? What will they do? We’ve prepared everything for them, right? He must live his life the way we think it will be suitable for him. Having a child is happy. But it also has suffering. Like everyone said, really, the hairpins are prepared.

I always tell my child that I will tell her if something happens to her. Who can I go see? Who can I trust? Who can help me take care of me? The one I told you would be Dew Arisara, who is my mother’s best friend. If I have something, I can go ask him for help. Uncle Top, Tao Kae Noi, like this, a close friend of mine who looks cute together, will help take care of everything for me. We will always tell our children the same thing: prepare with Bao Bao and Bao Pei all the time.

It means that if one day the hairpin might go He will have an answer?
Gubgip: Gip said that the scariest thing about people is not knowing what will happen. And we don’t know what we have to do next. Gib will do the same as Gib used to raise him. Prepare him from childhood. I’m going to the doctor today. If you go to the doctor, you will have to give an injection. Then prepare for the doctor to poke this here, and it will hurt. I’m going to hurt. I’m going to cry. We will tell him so he will know the process like this. I’m going to cry now. Soon, I will know that the pain will go away. So Gib will prepare Bao Bao and call Bao Pei to come as well. I said, I have P’Pao. If something happens to mom or dad, what’s wrong with this person?

And how did the child react?
Gubgib: He listens, Bao Bao listens, and then asks. And then Pao once asked Gib a word and said, “Can I call Dew Mom?” So I said yes. No problem at all. Or who takes care of me, and I love him?

But I didn’t ask what mother would mean.
Gubgib: No, he understands. Is it strange to say that the child is older than we thought? He understands leaving. Gib kept telling him that one day they would have to live on their own. He doesn’t have a duty to carry the younger sibling. Pao doesn’t have a duty to share with the younger siblings. but must be together and then take care of each other until they grow up. It’s like we’re friends. But that doesn’t mean that, as an older brother, you have to sacrifice for Pee. Whatever it is, it has to be Pee Pao, no. But you must love each other. Take care of each other; that’s what Gib always teaches his children.

After that day, how do you two adjust your finances?
Gubgib: Actually, we had already planned it, but after that day, there was a feeling that every time we were flying or not, we would tell him every time. Before this, we would tell him once in a while. In this way, this child will be able to help take care of us. And it’s very strange that I often include things like this in conversations with my children. I feel that if he gets used to it, it’s like we’re practicing something.

If you keep practicing it, We will feel skilled. It’s like we follow someone on social media. When we see them often, we feel like we’re very familiar with them. We know him well. This one is the same as the hairpin that will put things like this. that it is the truth of life. For your child, he will hear stories like this often. When he hears it often, he must know what he’s going to do. When it happened, he would be sad. But he will know that life will still go on.

What adults don’t want to do is argue in front of their children. I want to know when there are conflicting emotions. Especially in front of our children, are there any rules?
Gubgib: This matter has never been said anywhere. You are the first person to ask me about this. Actually, no one has ever asked about the hairpin. I have. There have been times when it was like we were fighting in front of the child about 1-2 times, but it wasn’t too strong because we would know that the child was there. And then he’ll tell you, stop! Both of you stop. Pao will say this. We’ll know. Because Gib will be a person who is not angry and calm, but Bie may have some. Like men, there will be some hormones. But later, after we argued in front of our children for the last time. And the child said, Stop! enough! We tell our children that if they say this it means they already know. We don’t want our children to see anything like this again.

We will choose a day together, dividing the days in 1 week, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday. If any day your child says that he wants to go on a trip, Then Gib said that he shouldn’t. Hairpin sees that this is not okay. But Bie said that just a little bit, you must get it because it’s Bie’s day. Bie has that right. But after Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday, it’s my turn. If I say that Pao is doing this, mother will say that it is not okay. Bee will have to follow his mother. Did you know that it eliminates the problem of arguing in front of your children? Or when parents argue and raise their children in the same way. Really, this can be shared. But the parents must agree and the parents must respect what we have agreed upon. It’s not good for us to argue in front of our child and the child is also a girl. Even I myself don’t want to sit in a situation where people are arguing with each other.

In terms of the relationship between the two people, Gib and Bie. There will probably be things that need to be adjusted continuously. How many years have you been married now?
Gubgib: We’ve been married for 8 years now, but if we’d been together it’d been almost 9 years. It’s been so long since the first day we were together in the media that I still remember the comments. If it didn’t survive, it would break up. If you got pregnant before getting married, you’d break up. Like everyone knows about us better than we do. But if you ask that what everyone comments on, it makes us feel like it’s okay that people’s lives are like this. What do we have planned? People may still not understand. But one day people will understand that things like this also exist. It can happen. That is, there is a lot of adjustment in terms of attitudes towards each other.

I think that when we were in a relationship that wasn’t married and had children, we quarreled more often. After getting married and having children, it gradually became lighter. But there will always be issues, family matters, this and that, various opinions on raising children. There will always be some strong, some light, but ours is a couple that fights to adjust. I never thought that we would fight until we broke up. Nowadays, Gib and Bie fight very little. We argue a little bit. A little angry at each other, it was over in a moment. It passed quickly and I understood each other’s personalities more. What causes Gib and Bee to fight the most? Mostly it’s about other people. It’s not about the two of us. When we’re together, we love each other very much, very sweetly. We’ll be like I’m 17, you’re 18. It’ll be very flirty. It continues to be like that until today.

What is the secret to winning your husband’s heart?
Gubgib: Take care of yourself. I understand that men like to look at beautiful things. This is what I’m talking about.

Have you ever thought that if one day there was the word “bored”?
Gubgib: I didn’t think about it because we weren’t just taking care of ourselves. Here it is not just about taking care of one’s appearance. We have to take care of the idea. What we think of ourselves What we think of him What we care for him and what we do for him and make ourselves When people live together one day, if we just think about ourselves. We will forget someone. And if we only think about our children, we will forget one person. There will be a gap between each other. What Gib feels makes him love and be kind to us. And always happy, it’s that Gib cares for him in every feeling, every word, every day, trying to make him feel never lacking in warmth. Then we take care of ourselves so that we look good, look beautiful, and may not be beautiful in the eyes of others. But we will look good, beautiful, and cute in his own way.