“May Pitchanat” has a swollen face that makes people think of her as evil. Reveals husband wants twin boys and girls

Actress “May Pitchanat Sakakorn” opened up on the program WOODY INTERVIEW, revealing the real person is not as bad as the drama. His face is so swollen that people think he’s arrogant and difficult to reach. Being a star in the past was a more difficult life than today. Ready to tell the story of the beginning of love from friend to boyfriend and life after marriage. Husband wants twin boys and girls.

Maybe people think of May’s look as someone who is difficult to reach?
May Pitchanart: May was conscious before entering the industry. I mean, it’s okay when May always acts as the heroine in movies. Because there aren’t many villains in the movie. But when I came to act in a drama, but when I came to act in a drama, at first we didn’t sign a contract with any agency. Of course, the heroine will take the young man. Like we are the ones who have a trend and they want us to play in this story. There will be 2 roles: the villain and the supporting actress. Therefore, we quite understand that our eyes are pointed like this, our mouths are full, and our faces are ready to turn around all the time. It depends on becoming the heroine’s friend. So he often gets the role of the villain. which we like too Because we used to play the role of good people. I felt uncomfortable and not fun. Too bad it’s really fun. And dress beautifully all the time. So we often get the role of the mischievous girl.

Moreover, each of our closest friends is a diva. When we come together, people will think that this person looks expensive. But does he seem arrogant? Is he watching Ween? All of May’s managers before becoming May’s close friends He would say that when I met her she was not like the image I had in mind. But I’m glad that times have changed. Back in the past 20 years, we hardly had a chance to tell outsiders who we were. I went with my role in the drama because there was no social media. There are only media that he will write for us. How will it be? Nowadays, we are bored at home. We opened a live chat with the villagers and everyone was like, why is P’May so friendly? Why does she talk so well? Why is she so approachable?

Starting from the Friend Zone to being a lover?
May Pitchanart: May went to study a course. And I didn’t get anything. At that time he had a girlfriend and I also had a girlfriend. We’re just friends. But we are friends who are friendly and just feel that our lifestyles are similar. This person is easy to invite to go anywhere, so I like to invite him. And he didn’t think anything of us. But he told us that when he first saw him as a star, he didn’t want to be close to him for fear that people would think he was flirting with him. People will think that they want to be famous. After 3 years, they’ve become closer and closer. Until he’s single, we’re single.

Everyone said why don’t we get together, we’re suitable for each other, they look very close. We’re like crazy, we’re not friends. So it’s a hashtag. #I don’t want to love you. Finally, when I forced myself to a point They looked at each other’s faces and were embarrassed. One day he asked if we secretly liked each other. We replied that it was impossible. After that it was never the same again. It’s good to be friends before. Today we are like friends, we don’t have to adjust in any way. Relationships before marriage and after marriage remain the same. It’s just that our lifestyle has changed a little, now that we are wives, we have duties to support our husbands after he has worked tiringly. We must be his safe zone.

I feel like being a wife Will it change our lives?
May Pitchanart: Changed. It makes us feel like we have a little more position. And then I feel like I’ll have to be a mother in a little while. Therefore, whatever you do, you must slow down and reflect. Think carefully about anything. Many people will see that during this time they rarely acted in dramas. Stay home a lot in order to prepare your body. Really, my husband wants children, 1 boy, 1 girl. If possible, he would like to have twins. But we have to look at the body again. Let the doctor assess whether you are ready or not.

Is living in the industry different today and in the past?
May Pitchanart: It’s different. It’s fun in another way, Woody. In the past, if we acted in a famous drama, suddenly there would be an event that would come along. One day there are 3-4 events, then I’ll go modelling. I’ll go show myself. But nowadays, since Covid, everything has changed. Fewer events It turned out to be sending products to review at home. Sit and take beautiful photos, go live or review in clips. It will become something like this for us to put in a basket. In the past it was fun but life was difficult. Because sometimes it becomes like if we want to go out there will be paparazzi secretly taking pictures. In the past, having a boyfriend was a little difficult. Because we don’t know each time we go on a date whether we will be friends with this person or not. So we don’t want to be in the news. We had to run to a quiet mall and stuff like that. It was really funny. This era is an era that everyone likes us to have access to. I like to look at our lifestyle, our husband’s, and admire him. If it’s right, he will become a fan of our family. Feel life easier