“Mind Napasasi” reveals that everyone warned her about dating “Songkran.” Will she be okay?!

Opening up , “Mind-Naphasasi Surawan” tells the complete story of the beginning of the love between the young man “Songkran Techanarong” who is now diligent in serving sweet content on social media continuously. Talking back to the past where he was scolded, had his voice changed, and was aegyo until he became insecure about himself to the point where he wanted to leave the industry. And this time of love that everyone I’m warning you, is it okay? In the WOODY INTERVIEW program.

Have you had a chance to watch clips on TikTok, edited them yourself? I think they’re very real, both personal clips and when you’re with your girlfriend. People like them?
Mind: I cut it all myself. In the past, I wasn’t sure. I only play on Instagram more. But later I tried cutting clips and playing TikTok and started feeling a lot. I have become a person who likes to watch the mind go and eat now. It makes people see Mind in a different light. In the past, if people looked at us only as a picture They might think that I’m quiet, sexy, or that I don’t talk much. It might seem a bit arrogant, but with TikTok, we feel like we can be ourselves. It’s like we don’t have to be perfect all the time. Being able to let go of life every day that we don’t wake up and put on beautiful makeup every day. In real life, what people see may be much more affectionate towards us.

Have you noticed that people really like reality now?
Mind: Yes, Mind has been in the industry since childhood, Brother Woody, but seriously. This era is considered to have the most people who know us throughout the past 30 years. Mind really entered the industry around the time of Mathayom 5, when the Uthai Thip contest began. At that time it was OK, maybe some people knew us. At that time we were like net idols. We want people to see our angles as beautiful and perfect, and we don’t want anyone to see our natural angles. But today’s world has changed. People like nature more.

I remember that at that time it was very famous and many people knew it. But did you know that Mind felt that he was not worthy of himself, that he was not worthy of the entertainment industry?
Mind: When I was a child, Mind was very much a student, very nerdy. My childhood dream was to be a teacher or a doctor. Will be a person who is very serious about studying. Our dream was never to be in the industry. I feel like it’s very far away. I am a child from the provinces and live in Chonburi. When the day came that I had the opportunity to enter the entertainment industry, at first I wasn’t confident. Today there is still uncertainty. I feel like my head is bigger than my body. When it’s on camera, it’s like it’s expanded by another 30%. In the beginning, Mind would do her hair completely covering her face. Because I feel like I have a big face. which is a problem that has been with us for a long time So I thought it might not be the way. And then there will be an era when we would act in dramas. And we may not be beautiful in every angle. We are perfectionists. When I’m on camera, why isn’t this side pretty and I won’t be happy? At that time, medicine did not exist like this. I went to work with no confidence. At that time, the idea might not have matured like it does today, where it can be looked at from many different angles. So I thought we might not be suitable.

Are there any comments that make you feel stressed?
Mind: Yes, but I want to say that today we have grown so much that we can see those words and be able to let them go. Mind remembers before Mind received the title of Uthaithip, when the first episode was during the contest everyone praised and talked about it in a very good way. But after one day we got the position. It’s like we’re starting to have more light. There began to be more and more negative comments, distorting the sound of Aegyo at that time. I was sad, but Mind had very good people around him, a family. Friends who are the driving force In the words of those around us that seem to mold us into having the power within ourselves to make it past that point. Things that have negative energy cannot affect us. In the end, just make yourself good. What parts are really weak? I took it and improved it. For Mind these days, I feel that many people on TikTok have been a positive force for me. And the positive energy that I passed on back to him really reached through. Then he reached me. So I feel like today there are a lot more people who love us. Over the course of working life This year is a time when I feel a lot happier at work. Be more confident in yourself too.

How did you meet Songkran Techanarong?
Mind: With P’Kran at that time, it was I must say that there is a rather 8 year age gap between him and he is friends with seniors. We had the opportunity to meet each other at events and in playing golf as well. I’ve been playing golf for over a year.

How many years have you been together?
Mind: It must have been almost a year ago. That is, we had the opportunity to meet and talk. He seems to be coming to talk to us more and more. And many things are okay. At that time, I didn’t have anyone, like lately I’ve been focusing a lot on starting a business. So we had some business consultations. attitude in life There are more opportunities to talk about golf and various tasks. As we talked about, there are many angles that make Mind grow. What have we learned from him? At first, a lot of people warned me, Brother Woody. Is it really Songkran? There might be an angle to the news that we see. Mind’s parents saw it. He asked us if we would be okay. Will he be serious and honest with us? Mind listened to everyone’s warnings. But Mind felt that at the end of each person’s life It depends on many factors. Not all of us are born well. We have a point of error. Or is there something that happens in life that makes us learn about it and grow up? I feel that from Mind touching myself. We tell everyone that Mind listens and is careful. Mind is not a person who uses his whole heart. We will use our brain and think. We look at many aspects. His brother’s talk Okay, he might be a person with good eloquence and charm when it comes to flirting with women. There’s no arguing this. But in many other angles The angle that he saw inside him felt a sense of sincerity. He is not a complicated person like many people say. Quite frankly, but maybe because of his temperament that he’s such a man. Over time, when he started meeting people around us, it turned out that everyone agreed that he was cute.

Has life changed a lot since Songkran Techanarong?
Mind: A lot has changed. First of all, thank you Brother Krant. I have to admit that people know more about Mind these days and have more opportunities to see us. We know ourselves more because of Songkran. As soon as there was a point where there was news People began to be interested in who this person was. and then came to see us more I feel a lot has changed in this aspect, first of all. And another thing is the matter of living life. We’ve gotten better and taken care of ourselves more. I exercise very hard.