Most heartbreaking: “Hai Aphaporn” waited for a man for 10 years. “Milli” admitted to being bisexual.

“Woody Sing” this week has to welcome two strong mothers and daughters of the era. The touching female rapper “MILLI” and the country music singer “Hai Apaporn” join in the fun together in the car. Revealing the shocking story on stage that haunts us to this day. and tells the story of the love of two ages, the most painful life. “Hai Aphaporn” used to wait for a man for 10 years until she didn’t want to love anyone. “Milli” admitted that she is bisexual and can love both women and men.

Bringing two people together is considered very difficult. When did you first meet?
Hai: It’s the recording day.

Has this project never been discussed before?
Milli: We’ve talked before, about 4 months, but we’ve never met.
Hai: But we are your child’s FC.
Milli: As for me, I’ve been dancing to Mae Hai songs since I was a child.

How many experiences on stage impressed or stunned Kim?
Hai: If you’re stunned, Kim Kee is the person who fought and died. Use Khao Lam to shoot Kantum. I saw my brain pop out. This one has never been told anywhere. And the audience that day was about as overwhelming as it was a temple event. We have never encountered a situation where people were this violent. And then the brain is stuck on the stage. which we are singing on stage This one was the biggest surprise and the most shocking thing about singing. And I’m haunted. It’s been about 20 years.
Milli: I was asked what was the strangest thing I’ve encountered. I would say that Milli is the strangest thing on stage. Bring some sticky rice. Jump rope some, do some push-ups, go hand out some mangoes. What are you doing?

Milli 2 years ago also had a down period. It’s like he doesn’t know how life is supposed to go. Is it better now?
Milli: Now living life day to day, Brother Woody. Like what do you do today? Tomorrow it will be there. There’s tomorrow, yes. But let’s take it today first.

Have you ever waited for anything in this life for a long time?
Hai: I used to wait for a man, meaning I loved him for ten years, so it’s better not to love anyone. Because he’s with someone else. We are still waiting for him. I mean, we might be a little ancient. He told me to wait for him, something like this. Until having the opportunity to be in the entertainment industry So it’s better to go. And I don’t want to love anyone anymore.

Have you never seen news about mother’s love?
Hai: Yes, it’s tiring. Nothing is better. Seriously, my mother never had a husband. She has a boyfriend. He makes me wait and wait. Mother was 15 years old at that time. They were still very young children and they were in love until they were 18 years old. They came to work in Bangkok. He said that he would save some money and then he would ask for it from his parents. Until now, he has disappeared. But there was news that he had a child and a wife.
Milli: I’ve been writing cursing songs since I was 19 years old.
Hai: I’m going to get married. I’ll let mom wait.
Milli: Yes, Mom.

And Milli, the man who came into my life Are you flirting with him or is he flirting with you ?
Milli: I’m bisexual too. Therefore, both men and women will be included. I have many options. If it were a man, most people would come and flirt. But if it’s a girl, I’ll go flirt myself.
Hai: He has a sex appeal.

If we compare women and men, how are they different?
Milli: I think it’s more in terms of personality. How could a woman be more sensitive and think a little more? I mean, I have many modes. Because I have many gangs of friends, there are LGBTQ gangs and there are real women gangs. And then there are gangs of real men and things like this. Our strange thing is that when we’re with any gang, we absorb it. Change your personality accordingly.