“Namphueng Natharika” suffered a great loss, to the point of becoming depressed. She once became so deeply religious that she went to see a corpse to bury her!

Still beautiful, still hot, but not really in good shape. For the young actress who plays the role of “Namphueng—Natharika Thampreedanan,” she recently opened up completely on the WOODY INTERVIEW program about the story of the past, where she used to be severely dissatisfied. Take a bus to see the corpse at Siriraj. He suffered a major loss and became depressed until he had to see a psychiatrist. But he was able to get through everything because he used Dhamma as an anchor for his mind.

How is life now?
Namphueng: Now it’s good. It’s perfect. It’s like getting older, and the spirit has grown and is more comfortable.

But before this, I felt that I was comfortable living my life for 10 years. I wanted to do whatever I wanted. If you don’t want to do it, you won’t do it. Like, can life be chosen?
Nampueng: Yes, but it’s in a crisis. Animals that we raise reach old age, and they will continue to die. So I encountered birth, old age, sickness, and death. I’ve encountered it in my 40s. So, in a row, we have suffered.

Absolutely nothing We can go at any time. So with the people remaining in our lives, do we have to give them more time?
Nampueng: True, suddenly I walked to pay respect to my mother’s feet. Mom was shocked. Like, I’ve never seen anything like this before. But we know it’s really uncertain. This might be the last time. So I dared to do something that had never been done before.

What many people don’t know is that honey has had huge losses in a row. Causes depression?
Nampueng: Yes, my beloved children passed away one by one, a total of 6-7 cats, dogs, and rabbits. I need to consult a psychologist. Then we told him that we had to be strong. He also said that Khun Nampueng said the word strong often. But he said that sometimes you don’t have to be strong. It’s okay to be weak. You can also ask for help from others. So we lost our strength, started to be a bit irritated, and asked for help from other people to console us as we were sad. Then he told us to live in the present. Then go do what we do and be happy. Honey saw that what was valuable was helping a patient with laryngeal cancer who could no longer smell in his life. Because his larynx was removed, he couldn’t speak or smell. Honey goes to help fund patients with laryngeal cancer. It made him smell the whole group again. Go do it with the doctor. Srinakarin Hospital which we still continue to do every year.

It is considered a very great merit.
Nampueng: Very lucky. It seems like we’re helping him, but actually he’s helping us. He makes us feel like honey crying. I feel like I can die. This is the value of life, and we make the most of our potential.

It starts with the loss of a pet. And then there are psychiatric problems. As far as talking with the psychiatrist, how did it happen?
Namphueng: It is an adhesion supply. Seeing that he is his son, I think that he really is his son. It must not die. must be treated well, but we don’t know how everything happens—sickness and death. And then it gradually died. So we couldn’t accept it. So I became depressed. When I come to work, no one will know. It’s like he cries in his heart all the time. But outside, we are happy. For a while, it becomes unbearable because we are not strong all the time. We become repressed, so we need to consult a specialist.

Do you still raise animals?
Namphueng: I’m still raising it. But these days, some people are very sick and seem to be in the ICU. We can accept this. When we were together, I tried to hold him often. The day he’s not here, we won’t have to be sad.

Have we learned and prepared ourselves for humanity? To leave our lives?
Namphueng: Oh! That is, prepare yourself because your parents are very old. And one day, he will probably die. That is, I’m not cursing. We’re probably going to get a bad news phone call someday. But this one is a big test, honey. We need to listen to Venerable Buddhadasa more. During this time, I need to meditate more. At first, it will be a theory that we listen to, but later we have to have a free mind. And then the time when the loss really happened We don’t have to tie ourselves up to anything that much, but we still love each other just because we’ve seen birth, old age, sickness, and death. Then it’s easier to let go and continue being happy.

Do you apply Dhamma to relationships and love as well?
Namphueng: Too. Use it in your life too. Just like in the beginning, Pee Pae came home late. We were like, Why did you come home late? We prepared food here and there. For a moment, we thought, Oh! In my heart, I was thinking, We want him to come. Even though, in fact, it’s not certain, he might be busy. So we disappeared there. Satisfied and starting to think, we cut there. Never mind, he’ll come. And everything is not angry. We become less angry at other people. It would be a very good thing if we weren’t angry.

Do you want to have a child?
Namphueng: I used to want it, but now I don’t have it. If you don’t have it, you’ll feel comfortable in another way as well.

Every time I talk about Honey, everyone says he’s a Baptist. Are you still Christian today? And in the past, how religious were you?
Nampueng: (laughs) I admit that I’m a Baptist. But I’m not crazy about it. When working, work to the utmost. When the work is finished, we will take off the actors’ skin. Did you know that Einstein only had 7-8 shirts that were the same style because he would have brains to think about his philosophy? So we were role models, and we had to wear the same clothes and imitate him. I had eight of the same shirts and the same shoes and wore them on set every day. Until people are like honey and only have one set, And when I go to work, sometimes it’s too much. Honey started not wearing high heels. I’m starting to put it in, but not that much. I rarely wear outfits that are very star-studded. Start doing something like riding a bus or something like this. If someone drives a car to sit, they don’t sit. Go sit and win; give it your all, because I’ve heard Venerable Buddhadasa say, “It is at least highly focused on action,” so we kept it as down to earth as possible. And then I took the bus to see the body at Siriraj in order to be cremated. At that time, I read a lot of philosophy. and then hid himself in the room. Go see real life after working; it’s completely different. So it is assumed that there must be Baptists. If you want to do something, really do it.

But we humans have many dimensions in reality. We can take on many more roles. Because life is a drama?
Namphueng: There’s no need to act like this all the time. To be neutral, to be very high, we can do very high. Form and content The pattern is just a pattern. Will you be rich, poor, or what? But what is the content inside? It makes us rise above the pattern. It can be anything.