“Natt Nisamanee” was cheated out of 10 million and didn’t tell anyone because she was embarrassed, revealing that in this life she never wanted to be a drama goddess.

Famous YouTuber and influencer “Natt-Nisamanee Lertworaphong” also known as “Nattnisa Hiewi” opens up for the first time! On the WOODY FM program about being cheated out of 10 million but not daring to tell anyone because of embarrassment! I never wanted to be a drama queen in this life. Ready to reveal his latest love story, now he feels the happiest in his life.

Your life is very exciting. Fashion is spectacular. The merchandise for sale was very complete. The drama that comes into life is the greatest. Life is extremely difficult. Has it been like this since childhood?
Natt Nisamanee: When I was a child, I didn’t think that life would reach this point. When I was a kid, I thought that happiness was waiting for my birthday to eat KFC chicken or MK sukiyaki. That’s all my happiness in life. Our biggest dream is just that. At that time, I thought that eating fried chicken on my birthday was a luxury. Or ride a bus. From Hua Lamphong at Ban Kao to Siam My feeling was like I was sitting in a limousine. Because everyone has to wait for the free bus.

Does that mean we started from almost zero?
Natt Nisamanee: It’s negative. For me, it’s more than I ever dreamed. This one has never been told anywhere because I’m too embarrassed to say it. It’s like everyone compliments us that P’Nat is very talented. P’Nat is successful and a talented person. Can you believe that Nisamanee was once tricked out of 10 million baht and lost a lot of his investments? I’ve seen people in the industry come and say that this is a hit and that’s a hit. We thought to ourselves that if we went out and told At that time, I thought a lot, afraid that people would judge me as a stupid person, which I did myself. I am a person who moves quickly with sadness or disappointment, sometimes it’s not just love. As for money, I move quickly. 10 million is a lot for me. Running and fighting and dying a lot

I got money and someone told me they knew about Passive Income. It’s such a sweet word for someone who has worked hard like me all my life. So I feel like I put the money in the bank at what interest rate? Is it 20% per month? Better take it down. By doing things that we are not good at. And I’m a transvestite who doesn’t like documents. At that time, the first 10 million was saved, which was all the savings that were earned. If you put in 10 million, in another month it would increase to 12 million. When you put it down, a month later the system crashed. I am a person who looks at the world positively.

After 3 months, I started asking very calmly. Then I realized that he had flown abroad for good. Oh! Have you been cheated? My ex-boyfriend only put down 2-3 million. He’s going to die and can’t sleep for a month because he’s a lot more stressed than us. I turned around to see that he wasn’t eating, he was skinny, and the money hadn’t come back. Let’s not be stressed because if we are stressed it won’t come back. I cried to death and the money didn’t come back. I think it will start again tomorrow. Not dead yet, hands and feet intact, our face still beautiful. Still selling things, looking for new things. What I’ve learned is not to do anything that I’m not good at or don’t know. And I have more immunity to investing. But I’m not saying that I’m never stressed. I’m a stressed person but it ends quickly.

Ask about drama It’s like everyone is ready and waiting to have drama with your story?
Natt Nisamanee: Every show, when they invite me to go, they say that I’m a drama queen. I want to say it right here. I never wanted to be a drama queen. (Voice shaking and crying) I never wanted to have a picture where people talk about how Nisamanee Strong has survived no matter how many dramas she’s gone through. I have never woken up and lived my life wondering what to do today and make it more dramatic and then it will be famous. Never have. Today I live my life just wanting to make content that is fun with us and that has quality. If anyone is FC I really know that if we go anywhere we will insert knowledge there or ways of living. I want to be a person who plays safe. I don’t want people to scold me so I can get loud and increase my number of followers. Many people misunderstand me. People will comment that this person again, the same person, isn’t scary at all, right? When will we be able to think of something like this even though we don’t want it to be?

which used to be a problem for me a lot Have you ever felt that it was better to continue or not? Because if you don’t do it, it means there won’t be any drama. If we don’t move at all or stop taking any videos. There will be no word of success or failure. But one day I realized that I didn’t want to be like that. I need to come back and talk to myself. I work honestly. Earn money honestly I didn’t cheat on anyone. I didn’t go and kill anyone. Therefore, most of the drama that occurs is dissatisfaction with the beliefs of some people. Or some people see us and are annoyed. I want us to be hit by drama, there’s all kinds of it. It happened to me. I don’t know why it had to be me who was chosen to be the drama queen.

Total number of followers: At first, I thought that people follow me because they love me, isn’t that right?
Natt Nisamanee: Now I’ve grown up a lot. In my opinion If compared to myself when I was a child When I was a kid, I used to think that people who come as Followers must like me because when I follow someone, it means I want to see that person’s life and want to support them. Because if you don’t like someone, you probably won’t think like that. When we grew up one day we started having drama for the first time. I’m so heartbroken, Uncle Woody. Ever since it became famous on the internet, everyone has praised it in a positive way. One day, someone scolded me. It was a shock. Like, does someone hate me this much? When I opened it, I looked at it! He’s following us. So it means that in this world Not everyone thinks like me. Some people come to follow us. You may not like us, but wait for the day when you might do something wrong and get hurt.

How did the comb-carrying gang get started?
Natt Nisamanee: The beginning came from just me being a very commercial person, Mix Chalermsri, he invited me to travel. So we said that traveling is a waste of money. We can travel and earn money too. I am a person who sees everything as an opportunity, as money, as content. I don’t know how God designed my brain to be like this. That is, if anyone tells me I’m a drama queen, I won’t accept it. But if you say that you are a content goddess, I accept it. Then we got money to do a show, a travel show, and then we left. Then it became a comb to carry until today.

Is there anything you would like to say to everyone who has supported us to get to where we are today?
Natt Nisamanee: Until today, Woody and many others People talk about carrying a comb like you’re really good at it. The first day the rats came out We were scolded for being a gang of low-end ladyboys, copied. That is, at that time we had to fight with the shadows of very large seniors and the Thai ladyboy gang. Because when we do a program where a group of ladyboys get together to hang out, everyone talks to each other all the time. In the early days when the rats were not yet strong It’s said that he copied a transvestite who traveled to Thailand. Follow the footsteps of Thai travellers.

Which I have to say that the elders are a very good example, role models that may be directly or indirectly reflected in causing people to carry combs. Because everything we consume has ingredients that are our experiences. But I’m really tired of having to fight against pressure or sarcasm. If I’m being honest, the first day I started carrying a comb. I told Mix that we have a travel show for the next 5 years and we will dominate the media space. At that time, I just thought that by doing a travel show, we would get 100,000-200,000 baht in sponsorships. Things like this all happened unexpectedly.

There are good days and bad days mixed together continuously. And one thing that I believe has kept me alive until today. For one thing, it comes from FC fans, so thank you very much. But the most important thing is that we never let go of each other. I dare say that the rat gang has never been jealous of each other. Stabbing each other in the back or something? It was an amazing group of friends. I’m not saying I carry the perfect comb. I can’t tell all the bad stories in an hour (laughs). But for now, let me tell you a good story first. When do we have problems? Everyone is ready to get hit together. So I feel like friends who when we fall and get hurt can go with us. is the friend who must be reminded of the times when we are successful

Current love story Why don’t you reveal your boyfriend’s face?
Natt Nisamanee: (laughs) As I said, I am the goddess of content. I’d like to tell you first that in real life, me and my current girlfriend go anywhere and never close. We always walk with our faces open. Let me tell you, in a comb-carrying gang of 5 people, it’s easiest to find me. Easiest access to rats I often walk by the mall. Everyone who meets me will see my boyfriend, ask to take some photos, secretly take some photos, and I’ll say you can take them. You can take pictures of 3 people in total. Save it for the day you debut. Please help me. Help mother earn a living In real life we ​​are never closed but I am a storyteller. know what to do We are the directors of the Saekapru channel. I know what viewers want to see. Because the content that we will release will have only one core, which is thinking from the viewer’s point of view. Some people may not be able to participate in our work which is so exciting that there are too many pills. It’s going to be unfailing soon. That means we are going in the right direction. Because if we close it and people don’t care, it means we read the game wrong. If people are more excited or angry, it means I’m making a series that is correct.

So, what is love like?
Natt Nisamanee: Oh! I really want to show off. Now I’m happy in the most loving aspect of my life that I’ve ever had. More than when I had a girlfriend, Pappi Love. But all love is good. But just this time, it’s a taste that before going to bed I’ll thank you every night saying thank you for coming into my life. When I wake up this morning, I don’t have to do anything and I’m happy. Just when we met, we were very happy. Because of what he did I would like to say that everyone searches for love in different ways. Some people search for a life partner who can help them with their finances. Some people search for a life partner that enhances their reputation.

Personally, I am very clear about finding a life partner who will help support us. In the matter of feeling pampered I don’t need money, I can get it. I already have a reputation and I don’t want anyone to help me enhance my reputation. What we were looking for and today we know that we have wanted this for a very long time is to be taken care of. I’ve never felt so proud of myself or my body until I met this boyfriend. He made me love myself very much. I’m a hermaphrodite and haven’t changed gender yet. Some men can accept us in a tolerant way. Or some people may not be able to accept it at all when they see our genitals. There are every form that comes across. This person is very proud of every part of our body. I’ve never dared to walk around naked around a man, even though I’ve been together for 10 years, I still haven’t. But with this person, we slept naked without feeling awkward in any part of our bodies. This is the moment in which I am the happiest in love in my life right now.