Nesty cries! Telling the story of being bullied in your heart. and had been invited out of school.

Opening up about the famous internet idol “Nesty Spicy,” revealing her life of struggle working in the industry since childhood. Until unable to cope with bullying words on social media Sad because the word “not beautiful” admits to being a precocious child. I had plastic surgery at age 16 and cried! Revealing the heartache of being invited out of school in Mathayom 4 on WOODY FM

At what age did you enter the industry?
Nesty : is 10 years old. Now I’m 18 years old.

First day of entering the industry Do you remember what you did?
Nesty: I remember the first day. From sitting on a live broadcast on a Facebook page, I am a person who likes to express myself, likes to dance and sing, and likes to put on makeup. Suddenly, there were seven people who came to watch the live broadcast. At first, after 10 minutes, it increased to 20–30 people or more. 100 until it climbed to 1,000 people, and then it went up to 10,000 people. Everyone probably likes me from a point of view like, Wow! This kid dances. Singing is very fun. And I’m like a crazy person. When more and more people watch and encourage me to do whatever I want, I’ll do it all.

Where does the fun come from? We grew up to be our unique selves. Is there any pressure? How did you grow up?
Nesty: I grew up like a child. At home, we support every matter. There was never a ban on being LGBTQ+ at home. My parents understood. I never felt like I was raised as a boy. At home, I raised you as a girl.

In our society over there, everyone accepts everything?
Nesty: But there will be another society. that we must step into the school. Of course, we have to be teased by our male friends, sometimes bullies. But unfortunately, I’m a person who fights against people (laughs). So we used a broom to hit us. Why are you bisexual? So what’s wrong? That is because of how we were raised. We are; are we wrong? Because at home, we never said it was our fault that we were like this.

It really does matter if parents say their child is correct. We will have the thought there that we are not wrong. But if parents don’t talk, there will be no acceptance. The child may be quite distracted as to whether the last thing he cursed was true or not.
Nesty: Yes, for any child. One that, at that time, still could not figure out which was right and which was wrong.

So, are you very lucky to have parents, family, and people around you who are open-minded?
Nesty: Yes, when I was in middle school. I am just one boy. Because he’s still wearing his school uniform. I still cut my hair. Then I moved to another school. At that time, we already had enough acquaintances. So I had to work and study very hard. I’m not in Bangkok. Usually, Phang Nga must fly back and forth like this every week. And then go back to study. When I went to study at another school, I asked permission to keep my hair. Work requires a physical appearance. Then I asked him to make breasts. And then I got fired. Don’t call it being fired. It’s better to call it an invitation. He said, Are there any schools that he has looked at? Because if you are going to stay at this school, if there is still the word Mr., you must be a boy. It’s another knot in my heart. I was kicked out of school at that time (voice shaking) in Mathayom 4, and then I had to go study somewhere else in Mathayom 5. Now I’m back to study at the same place. It is Phang Nga Women’s School. I wore a girl’s school uniform, had long hair, and was a girl. Thanks to the school All adults who understand that I want many more schools to do this. The school is open-minded towards alternative genders.

What is the hardest thing in life?
Nesty: social media. Social media has given me a lot. It teaches me everything. It teaches me everything. Social media gives me opportunities. But we also accidentally let social media have more influence. I was a child too. At that time, we were not able to filter comments. Whether we will take all of those comments and keep them or not. So I always take every comment and keep it in my heart. I am one person who is very sensitive. But try to make yourself strong all the time. But deep down, I’m very weak at everything.

Have you ever picked up a comment, read it, and cried alone?
Nesty: It’s called more than singing. Is it wrong to be born sometimes not beautiful? Sometimes the neck is short like this (crying), and we keep it and think about it. Now I understand that coins have two sides, and people have two sides too. There must be people who like us and people who don’t like us. So now I can filter out, OK, comments that we should criticize in order to create We are ready to develop ourselves all the time. And then we have to filter the comments to see which ones might be fun. For just a fraction of a second, these people who comment on social media may not think anything of it. But the person who received the message was us; we picked up everything, and at that time it was during the COVID period too. Oh wow! P. Woody, do you believe that he doesn’t go anywhere in a square room? I haven’t met anyone. I haven’t met anyone. It’s even more awesome.

Which comment hurts the most?
Nesty: I’m not beautiful. Everyone might think that I’m a funny, cheerful person, and they’ll think that I have to be funny all the time. Cheerful all the time But really, I want to have a cute, beautiful corner. with other people.

Why does the word “not beautiful” make you sad?
Nesty: Confidence, maybe? A person can dare to leave the house because they have confidence in themselves.

I think it’s a good thing that happened to you. Because it teaches you a lot. Without comments like that, we wouldn’t have wisdom.
Nesty: Yes, it made me a lot stronger. At that time, many things were very new to me. For children aged 10–11 who already have to work, another thing that made me start working early was that we thought poverty was scary. It’s very scary. Because there was never one at my house before. I really received support. But at home, there is no money to support cosmetics, which I saved up to buy myself when I went to school. Parents have to go cut the tires. Cut the palms here and there.

Finally, you can earn money for your family, buy a car, and buy a house within a year.
Nesty: Yes, my mother saved the money for me. I was very proud. At that time, I had my own room when I was 12–13 years old.

Now I have a house and a car. In the end, it’s money that we still want. Keep it for peace of mind, or what? Want to know from the perspective of an 18-year-old?
Nesty: Keep it for yourself in the future. We don’t know what the future holds. If I still have the energy to work now, I still have all the capital, and I’m ready to do everything. If they hire everyone (laughs)

You have a lot of wisdom. Did it come from encountering various stories? Do you have a very mature mind? What did it come from?
Nesty: Meeting society every day and working every day are not the same. It’s a matter of adapting and positioning. I’ll also be hit with this word, the word precocious. I accept it. I accept this word because I’m really precocious. Everyone says I’m just this big, but my thoughts are here! This may be because of socializing, meeting a lot of people, meeting people around us who think positively, and having a good family. Have friends around you who are always ready to support you. If there are negative people, there must be some. normal society But choose to stay. Choose to be more.