The heart of “Tak Siriporn” has done wrong to her children in the past! Revealed to be a family that understands LGBTQ love.

The singer and actress “Tak Siriporn” opens up about her past. He revealed that his childhood life was very difficult, having to live with his grandmother. and the story of what he did wrong to his beloved son because it’s postpartum depression. Nowadays, we are a family that understands LGBTQ love and talks about everything. Let your children live their own lives on the Woody Interview program.

P’Tak means that when you appear on a show, there is an expectation that it must be fun and funny. Are there some days where maybe our energy drops a lot? But what do I have to do next?
Tak Siriporn: I would like to tell Woody that, at present, Tak is no longer accepting singing jobs. Because P’Tak has been singing since he was 17 years old. Now P’Tak will be 52. When P’Tuk goes to show the demo that Woody said, people will expect it. When you’ve finished singing, you have to entertain. You can’t just go and sing. You have to be joyful, which is a serious problem for P’Tak. His head is about to explode. Sometimes, when we go to an event, what should we do at this event? It’s stressful. There’s a lot of work going on. It accumulated all the way to the house and spread out into a deep sleep. Until it was full, P’Tak didn’t want to take up singing work, and it got boring.

When talking about Grandma, will it be a sensitive matter for P’Tak?
Tak Siriporn: The way of life of people in the provinces. Most parents leave their children and grandchildren for their grandmothers to raise. Which is the same for me. Your mother will let you go live with your grandmother. I have lived with my grandmother since I was a child. Call Grandma Mom, eat and sleep with Grandma. She goes to work and takes her with her. Because in our country, we were not born on a pile of gold and silver. You have to find a way to sell things at temple fairs. There was no place to shower. To go to the bathroom, use the temple bathroom. When sleeping, he had to sleep on the ground next to the cart. I grew up like that with my grandmother. You will always see how difficult it is for you. And I made a vow to myself that one day, if I grow up, I’ll have a job. I will take care of Grandma.

Who would have thought that a country boy like you would reach this point? It was expected, and the country is about to get better. I dream that after a little more comfort, I will buy my own house for my grandmother to live in and not have to sell things at temple fairs. But Grandma came quickly and left first, which means I still haven’t let her have any peace of mind. So it was a knot in P’ Tak’s heart that Grandma, why don’t you stay with us for a bit? It’s going to get better. Coincidentally, the day Grandma passed away also happened to be at work. And my grandmother is in the hospital. That day, I don’t know what was wrong with my heart. Suddenly, I thought only of Grandma, which was never like that. I couldn’t do anything; my heart was restless. I was always with Grandma. There must be something. I asked permission from him to go home, so I didn’t go to work any further. And believe it or not, I went in time to see how old he was. I got there and lost it. To this day, I still dream about you. I love my grandma the most.

P’Tak’s family is a very warm one. Raising children well: how old is Nong Phu now?
Tak Siriporn: Will you be 21 years old soon? 3rd year of university

So, is parenting different today and yesterday?
Tak Siriporn: We raised him as an egg and raised them incorrectly. Postpartum depression—Brother Tak has it. Will worry about the child 100 times more than usual and will sit and cry for no reason. When I go to work, my heart is with my children. And I don’t let my child do anything. I will do everything for my child. And to be a person who was afraid of germs at that time was like being a crazy psychopath. That’s really how it was. I admit that I was wrong if I look back. If Woody goes to see you at home, I won’t let Woody catch my child, who is afraid of germs like this. It’s crazy. I fought with my husband. I don’t know how many cell phones my husband has lost. Throwing him away because he argued with his older brother about the child. I will be very worried about my child. Woody, think about it. I bathed my child until he was 10 years old. Is that crazy? This is another one of my problems. The word “parents bully”—I”use this word with you; it’s right.

What happened to him? And what do you see in being raised like this?
Tak Siriporn: For this, I have to thank Sumo Kik. One day, he saw me coming to film a program, and he became depressed. It means that everyone is cheerful, and I’m sad all the time. So he called me to talk. And that day, it was like talking openly. I’ve never talked to anyone. Because I don’t know who to talk to, I can’t talk about this problem with my husband. I can’t talk to my mother because she lives in Phitsanulok. There is no one to consult here. It’s like you came to destroy this place for me. I decided to talk to him openly, and tears flowed from my eyes. I told you everything. P’Kik, I’m like this. I raise my children like this. Why do you do this? Now that Nong Phu is 10 years old, I’m still giving her a bath. Talking about it gives me goosebumps.

Kik sat and taught me, so you can’t do this. You are bullying your child. Then he taught me how to do this. It’s like you’ve taken all the burden off of me. I’m relieved. Has it been like this in the past? 10 years ago, my son did this to me. Then that day, after talking with P’Kik, he went back to practice. Normally, I would hurry home and go to the bathroom for all of my children to not bathe. That day, I went home and told my son that he took a shower himself (laughs). He went in and took a shower himself. But when he took a shower himself, I secretly listened to him speak, and tears would flow. He bathed himself for the first time in his life. He took a shower and sang a song. It shows that in the past 10 years, he has suffered a lot. I stood there with tears flowing and realized that this was what I had been doing to my child for 10 years. He was happy when he took a bath himself. Look! But I’m sorry, son. I called my son and apologized to him for what my mother did. I made a mistake. I talked to him about everything. We have no secrets from each other.

Nowadays, I share everything. He came to give advice?
Tak Siriporn: Yes, until one day he walked up and talked to us. Which I didn’t think of. The child walked up and said, Mom, I’m not sure if I like girls or boys. He walked up and spoke. But believe it or not, it’s a word that makes me very happy. I feel that my child has no secrets from us. Our children are no longer under pressure. At first, Nui might not be able to accept it for a bit because he is a man. But we talked about it, Dad; today’s world is not like our time. The world goes very fast. Love has nothing to share. Love is love. The whole family, including my mother and my sister, talk openly within the family. Then talk to the child: Phulook can be anything. But, mom, can I just ask for one thing? Children are a burden to society. Don’t be a burden to your parents. I just want you to be a good person. That’s all I ask. Maybe we don’t have to take care of our parents. We can take care of ourselves. But I must not be a burden to my parents. Have you ever seen people who grew up to the point where dogs licked their asses still ask their parents for money? I don’t want that. What do you want to study? I want to work on whatever I want. Go live your life. Because life is the life of the mountain. The mother actually gave birth, but she was not the owner of the life. We worriedly advised him to stay away.

Does he consult about his girlfriend?
Tak Siriporn: We’ve all talked about it, but right now we don’t have any. He still hasn’t found anything he likes.