Woody is delighted to receive the Pride Award and would like to continue pushing for equal rights for everyone!

Considered to be another person who is famous nationally. who dare to launch and support always being a voice for our Thai brothers and sisters in the issue of equal rights for LGBTQ people, allowing society to move towards true gender equality. as well as fully supporting the creation of equal marriage laws in Thailand.

Yesterday (13 Dec. 2023) Woody-Wuthithorn Milintajinda was selected to receive The 5th Atthanareesuan Award is considered by a committee of experts, named “Award of Pride, Individual Category” , with the chairman of the ceremony being Mr. Thawee Sodsong, Minister of Justice. This award places importance on and takes pride in expressing a person’s gender identity. as well as protecting one’s own rights and persons with diverse sexualities In order to join in pushing for equality in Thai society under the name “Pride Award for Gender Diversity”, people of diverse genders People who have been dedicated to this issue for a long time

which Woody Wutthithorn revealed his feelings……Woody is very honored to receive the Pride Award for gender diversity (Pride Award) or “Atthanareesuan Award” 5th time organized by the Department of Rights and Liberties Protection Ministry of Justice Department of Women’s Affairs and Family Institutions Ministry of Social Development and Human Security Office of the National Human Rights Commission and the Rainbow Sky Association of Thailand Receiving this award is more than just a personal honor. It is also an affirmation of everyone’s efforts and dedication to building a society that is equal and accepting of gender diversity. Woody is proud to be a part of this change. Glad that our country and society embrace diversity until foreigners all over the world can see For us Thai people, we are still waiting for the day when the rights that we should have are protected. Until then, Woody as a media person and as an LGBTQ person will do whatever he can. Let’s join together in pushing for all of us to have equal rights.

Finally, thank you for every bit of work and everyone who supported. It’s Woody’s family, staff, LGBTQ+ community, and fan page that have inspired and supported him to get to this point. This award is just the beginning. And Woody has the intention and determination to continue working to create equality and acceptance in Thai society and would like to share this pride and happiness with everyone.