“Mario” reveals that he has been in love for 9 years; is he planning to get married or not? ? Recount the events that made life distracting.

The handsome young actor at the forefront of the industry, “Mario Maurer,” opens up about his life, both past and present. Events that make life distracting And an update on the love story with the girl Junji, who has been together for almost 9 years do you have plans to get married or not? When do you want to have children? On WOODY FM

How many years has it been since Love of Siam?
Mario: About 16 years ago (laughs). It’s the first thing in my life. At first, I had to go to the cache first with P’Noksinjai. Then the director, Pee Ma Diao, told my mother that there must be a kiss with a man. She said, “Hey!” Does it have to be like this? Then asked how much he paid. Got 170,000, which was a lot at that time. Mom said it was me. Kissed since 50,000 (laughs)

From that day on, you continued to grow. Everything has been done. If you look back at your own fashion from past eras. Is there any look that you can’t forget?
Mario : There are many types. If it was when I was a child Fashion will not be like today. What I remember clearly is hip-hop fashion. In the 90s, Joey Boy, Thaitanium, Dajim, things like this would wear hip-hop fashion and go to Siam. It’s like living in New York or LA. It’s hot but my heart loves it (laughs).

In 2008, at that time, my father passed away suddenly. It distracts you a lot. What were you doing at that time? What events happened?
Mario: At that time, he was about 20 years old and had only been in the industry for a short time. I entered the industry at the age of 18 and started acting in movies. After 2 years, my father passed away. I am very close to my father. Dad is like an older brother and a friend to me. So it’s very sad. At that time, it was very popular, like acting was just starting to emerge in the industry. And then my father left. It makes us confused. I thought to myself that I didn’t want it to happen. I knew my father was sick, but I didn’t think he would go so soon. Because during that time we were busy just filming work. He stayed at home to take care of business.

Has your life changed at all after your father’s death, including your emotions, thoughts, and goals?
Mario : The goal has never changed. But it’s like it’s distracting. It’s like our main pillar has disappeared. Many of my inspirations come from you. When he left, I felt I wouldn’t let it go away. I will act like you are still here, such as by working and fulfilling the dreams of your father and me.

What is your father’s dream?
Mario: Play with old cars. I still do that. What kind of old car is this? People say it’s a waste of money like this. But when I drive, I think of my father and am happy. Taking my mother to drive instead of my father Because each car that I collect is the car that we have talked about since childhood. Well, he grew up in that era, and when he drove, it was his era. For example, when he drove a Volkswagen Karmann Ghia, he would always tell you about it. that he drove a young woman on a trip to Italy. It’s a lot of fun to go there and drive an Alfa Romeo 101 or something like that. The convertible is a really nice car. He likes to listen. I went looking for each one that you described.

And now our garage is quite large?
Mario : It’s appropriate to take care of you.

How many cars are there in your father’s collection that you like? How do I take care of it?
Mario: It’s 10. You have to take care of everything. Change the oil, look at the tires, and look at the spare parts. You have to warm it up. You have to drive it. It’s like you have 10 children. You have to talk to them every day. What’s wrong with you? Are you being stubborn again today? Oh my! Wake up. Why are you asleep? (laughs)

Which car do you love the most?
Mario: It’s the first one. I once sat and watched a foreigner say that you can sell any car. But don’t sell the first car you get. That car is a 1962 Beetle. It’s name is Nong Yuai. The first day she bought it, the steering wheel fell off. The parts will die on the first day. Recently, I took Nong Yuai to Betong, drove to the beach, and drove to something like this. I’ll drive it until I can’t drive it anymore, then I’ll sell it.

How is your mother now?
Mario: I’m fine. I run the factory all by myself. My mother is the person who fights with Woody. He is a fun person. He has more energy than me. My mother is 72 this year, but she is very, very full. He is a fighter. These days, when he has back pain, he takes the electric train to do physical therapy himself. Go home by yourself.

What do we do when we are at home?
Mario: Tidy up the house, mop the house, and put away toys. I don’t have a housekeeper to do it myself. But sometimes, some weeks, people come to help. The toilet was scrubbed by myself. Now I know how to wash my clothes myself.

and Janji have been together for a very long time. What have you been through?
Mario: Yes, it’s already been 9 years. We’ve been through a lot. We were upset with each other and didn’t understand many things.

So how do you tune it?
Mario : Well , he’s a simple person and goes about like us and works a lot like us. So it’s easy to understand. Sometimes we don’t have to say much and he knows that we’re just like this and don’t want to go anywhere or anything like this.

Previously, what kind of things might have been misunderstood?
Mario: Everyone is tired. He also works a lot. I work a lot. Maybe he has a need. I have the desire to travel to this place. But he wanted to see something else. We’re going to eat, but we’re still going shopping. Now we go with half each. Let’s go eat first and then shop later (laughs).

What in Janji makes you happy to be with him?
Mario : It’s probably his easy-going nature and he is a person who is always concerned about us. If we weren’t feeling well, he would come and take care of us. When I was sick, he would always be my friend. We all talked together. I have a lot of old cars and he’s seen everything (laughs). The person pushing the car because if I let him drive it, sometimes I’ll be afraid of getting hit. He said it was okay and asked for a cart. I feel sorry for him because other people don’t look at him well. Oh, I let my girlfriend push my car. I push it often too (laughs). Sometimes I’ve broken it on the bridge.

Are you a crazy person?
Mario: Not that much. I’m not crazy about love, but I think everyone must have love. But not to the point of not being able to have it.

When we are together, are there two voices?
Mario : There are many voices. I also have a variety of sounds. Sometimes there will be a voice like Ah-Aed Sombat. He’s a bit handsome. Where did Janji go today? What kind of jokes do you make? (smiles) And there are small voices teasing each other.

And does he have two voices?
Mario : Oh! Many, many voices.

Do you think the media probably asks you a lot about when you’re getting married?
Mario: Yes, I ask a lot. I said I wasn’t in a hurry yet. I’m not in a hurry to get dressed now. His younger self was not in a hurry and was slowly building up his body. It should be there for women; we just aren’t in a hurry.

What kind of moment do you think we’re ready for?
Mario: Actually, I feel like it’s something that you have to think about. We are getting older every day. I just think that for me, it is a matter of age. My father had me too late, and he left me too soon. So I feel that if I become a father, I want to be with him for a long time. So if it’s possible and ready, we have to go for it.

Do you want to have a child?
Mario: I’d like to have one. We humans have many factors. Some people say that raising children these days is tiring. But I feel like I saw my father raising me. My mother raised me. My father picks me up from school every day. Woody confirms me in grades 5–6. It’s a warm thing. And I still remember every day that it was the moment when I rode in the car with my father in the morning and he came to pick me up in the evening—something like this. I think it’s a cute father-son moment.