“Natalie Glebova” opens up for the first time! After breaking up with her husband, she is now a single mother. It’s the most difficult thing in life.

Unchanged beauty “Natalie Glebova,” former Miss Universe 2005, recently updated her life and opened up to speak for the first time! After separating from her businessman husband and having a daughter together, she is now a single mother. Accepting the hardest things and the greatest lessons in life on Woody FM

I still remember you in your swimsuit and your dark black hair during the pageant.
Natalie : Yes, black hair, pale skin, and light eyes. I think it’s really worth it for the Asian market. It was a happy coincidence.

How many years have you been living in Thailand?
Natalie: Almost 20 years.

You also competed in the Miss Universe pageant held in Thailand. So you decided to call this place your home?
Natalie : Yeah, you know that feeling when you meet someone and you just know that your soul is connected to that person in some way and it’s love at first sight or whatever. I felt the same when I came to Thailand. When I stepped off the plane, it felt like my soul was coming home. It feels like I’ve been here in a past life. I myself don’t know what it is. It felt very familiar and comfortable. So I had an immediate connection with Thailand and Thai people had a connection with me as well.

They call you Nong Fa; they call you that because you have blue eyes.
Natalie: Nong Fah is now Phi Fah. This connection is really deep for me. After I win Of course, I had to go back to New York and live for a year as Miss Universe in the Trump Apartment. Then I return again and again to perform certain duties and appear here and there whenever I feel like going home. So I decided I’d give it a try. I will move here. I moved across the continent to live in Thailand, away from my family.

Have you ever thought about the end of your life?
Natalie : I don’t think it’s Russia. I don’t think it will be Canada. Maybe Thailand, because I like it here. And Thailand has changed me in many positive ways. Where I would like to die would be Thailand. I would be happy to spend the rest of my life here and die here.

A lot has happened since we last talked. I met you with your ex-husband and daughter, and that was the first time. But today, you are a single mother. What have you been through?
Natalie : I was also surprised when I had to do it. That’s when I realized that this wasn’t going to last forever. As we live and grow, we truly change to a higher level, and we also develop our minds. And there comes a point when you start to realize that breaking up isn’t such a bad thing. Because at some point you were together. We think that staying together is good, but breaking up is bad. We weren’t always destined to be with the same person. If there are very different growth rates that take you through different stages of life, I thought from the beginning that this is the person I would grow up with and spend the rest of my life with. But not everyone is lucky. So it’s a bit difficult to talk about it. Because this is the first time I’m talking about it.

I hope you are well as we talk about this.
Natalie : Sure, I’m ready to talk about it. Because it is a rather sensitive matter. Especially when I saw my daughter’s face. Having to face the separation of her parents, I feel like she doesn’t deserve any pain. That was the hardest part for me. I want her to have a solid idea of what a family is. What is marriage? What is love? And unfortunately, I feel like I can’t give it to her. Because her father and I separated and divorced. And while I believe we can ultimately provide that for her, it’s hard; it’s not easy. I can tell you all my thoughts on love and relationships.

which I am currently writing a book about. If you could build a temple of love within yourself first, Embrace yourself and love yourself fully. You can create like that without conditions. A temple of love with another person And that doesn’t depend on that love, whether you’re together or not. You can be separated by distance according to circumstances, no matter what. But the love is still there. You must still honor that love and only wish well for others, see them succeed, and do wonders for them. I feel that in this case, I am still trying to build 50% of the temple of love; the rest has to come from another person.

Are you saying that you still have love for your ex-husband?
Natalie : I would like to believe that I have love for every human being on this planet. And that’s my mission in life to be able to say that. I love every human being on the planet unconditionally.

Is this a sensitivity you’ve never felt before?
Natalie : No, because I’ve been married before, as you know. And I’ve been divorced before but never had children. This is a very different and new life. And I can manage my emotions to a certain extent. Better than I ever did. Because I’m older and more mature. I have learned Taking responsibility for another life that is so precious is not easy, so I really focused on it. This is to ensure that your child will not be affected by it. or to have as little impact as possible. Learning the art of letting go Have you ever heard of the concept of surrender? mental concept That’s really like a test. I will surrender and accept everything that comes my way. It was one of the hardest times of my life. which is divorce and separation, and got through it. It was like the universe was testing me. So it will be easier to get through anything. That is the greatest lesson.