“Ning Patthama” is extremely shocked! Almost got sexually harassed by an influential person

When “Ble Pathumrat” had to meet the beautiful and sexy country girl “Ning Pattama” for the first time! In this event, there was a lot of teasing jokes on the program “Ble AM” along with opening up about having torn up a record label contract because of discrimination. Tells the story of having two personalities and the shocking story of almost being sexually harassed by an influential person.

Have you liked singing since childhood?
Ning Pathama: After about 10 years of growing up, I just realized that I wanted to sing.

At what age did you become a singer and become an artist?
Ning Pathama: Started competing in singing contests from the age of 15-16 and then worked in various jobs such as ordination ceremonies, parties, weddings, and birthday parties.

Have we been wired since childhood?
Ning Pathama: That is, we saw mother singing. So I want to sing like my mother. That’s the starting point. And my mother sang very beautifully.

Singing contest until you get into a music label?
Ning Pathama: Yes, when I was 18 years old, but I didn’t stay in the record label for long. I must first tell you that from childhood until now, I have always been a person who has always stayed within the framework. and never encountered the outside world And he’s a very straightforward person. And I was the first person who felt like I had to go in and ask to break my contract with a record label. that we clearly felt that we were being treated comparatively It’s not okay to continue living here. At that time I wanted to quit. So do you feel like the industry we love is like this? Can it be this disgusting? If I had to choose to go back and look at those people’s faces, I’d rather not see them at all. The ghost wouldn’t want to be cremated at all.

Ning’s outside on social media appears to be a sexy, friendly person. But what is another side that people don’t often see?
Ning Pathama: At present, I am still a person with two personalities. If I stay at home, I will be a different person. But if he wears the spirit of Ning Padma, it will be of a different kind. At home, I tend to be a person who doesn’t talk much at all. And life will never know how wide open the lights, colors and sounds are. I just started going to pubs when I was 18 years old. Now I don’t go out at all.

Have you ever encountered a job that you didn’t expect?
Ning Pathama: At that time, I went to a country. We met with someone who was quite powerful. It went in the form of VIP singing, singing for private listening. There would be bodyguards with guns and weapons at that level. They asked us to come sing at a private event, so we accepted. After getting drunk, he would go sleep in the hotel. Because we sang in the hotel He told me to go up to the room. We went up to deliver. Afraid that I wouldn’t be able to go home, I had to do as he said. And at that moment, they closed the room and told the security guard to stand guard in front. Our manager is in front. Then he took off everything and asked how much I wanted to give it to her. We didn’t give in to him and we fought for a while. There were so many scars that I felt like I had to rub it with cold water. So I tried to hold his hand and said that I would stay here and watch over you tonight. When he woke up, he would still see me next to him, not going anywhere. Then he slowly comforted him, stroked him, and then he fell asleep. But we didn’t do anything 100% and went out of the room and told the bodyguard that he was asleep. We were afraid to die. It was really scary.

Besides being a singer What do you want to do after this?
Ning Pathama: I want to make my family happy, and I really want to have a catchy song as my regular song. Because there are only other people singing covers and getting high views.

What do you think you are successful in right now? That is not singing?
Ning Pathama: Successful in life. Because I just received my family’s first master’s degree.