“Pancake Khemanit” revealed that in the past she had made her mother sad and had problems with anyone. But you shouldn’t have it with your mother.

It is considered another person who has been active in the entertainment industry for a long time for the young heroine “Pancake Khemanit Jamikorn,” who recently opened up on the program Woody Interview about good stories. Life after marriage Right now, I’m not thinking about having an heir. Tells the story of the bond between a mother and child who are never apart. and revealed things that had made her mother sad in the past. In this life, anyone can have problems. But you shouldn’t have it with your mother.

What I really wondered about was when I went to Pan’s wedding. Because Mother has always been by Pan’s side. When I saw Brother Bear come into my life, I felt like Brother Mee was good too.
Pancake: Pancake thinks Mom will be happy. with the child being happy. Whoever you accept, your mother will love you too. And my mother knew P’Mee because she was the first person too. Until various times have passed We have fought with many stories that are proof. Mother must have had many tests with Brother Mee. Before getting married, there were many things that didn’t go smoothly. Must go through discussion and understanding. Today, we are still in the same area as before. But we allocate each person’s space. We were in our own house. The younger ones were in the back. Mother was behind one. The father is another one.

And has Mom gotten used to not being together yet?
Pancake: Asking like you know your mother (laughs). Mom spent the same time as Woody, for 2-3 years, until he thought it was your time. Pan thinks so. Because Pan and Mom really see us close like this. But actually, there are some things we don’t dare talk about directly. We’re probably close to each other and worried about each other’s feelings. And then we try to adapt. Mom tried to adjust. Okay, you go have a family. I have Brother Mee coming to take care of me. You can let me go. Normally, at 10 p.m. I have to call my mother. Where are you? Why haven’t you come back yet? Even though they had been together for a long time. I still have feelings of concern and worry, but as of today, I’m married. He let the space Let’s take care of each other, but stay in his sight as before. Mother never said anything to make us worried or uncomfortable. It makes us feel like we’re acting incorrectly, like we’re the middleman who’s like, “Look, Mom, this is P’Mee.” Mom never said anything to make me worry or feel uncomfortable like that.

Have you ever done anything to make your mother sad? To this day, I still feel like I shouldn’t have done it at all.
Pancake: Yes, but not to the point of being the child who is arguing with the mother. People who raise their voices or go on a rampage are not like that. But there will be some who are stubborn, silent, and don’t do anything. If they say something, Mom will be silent. We won’t fight with harsh words. There were no harsh words. It’s quiet, and they don’t talk. We now know that it is an atmosphere that is even worse than speaking. So we left some time to slowly Come back and talk, or say sorry. For saying something bad like this, you can have problems with anyone, but you shouldn’t have problems with your mother.

Is he your everything? Are you so lucky to have a mother who loves you so much?
Pancake: Yes, the mother tries her best to take care of the children. In the power that he can do Doing until it seems like it’s beyond your power, but you do it. Your child must be good. Your child must be okay from childhood until they grow up. Mom will always be told that it’s like she’s spoiling her child. That is, taking care of the child too much Be careful that your child will lose his temperament or something. But my mother would tell me that whatever was an opportunity, she would have to take it. Let your child not feel like he’s missing anything. On that day, we didn’t understand. But today, looking back Even though I know that my mother probably sees it that way, I was probably ready to give to the fullest extent possible, until sometimes it was more than my mother could bear.

Mother, do you want grandchildren yet?
Pancake: Mom said that you should have one. But Mom talked to Pan until Mom stopped talking. Brother Woody I didn’t talk to Pan directly, but I talked to Brother Mee instead (laughs). Mother came and said, “Do you think I should, or should I let Pan go and collect the eggs?” Go do something first. And when are we ready??

In the past, Pan had never talked about this matter. About having a family Ok, have we decided today on how to move forward?
Pancake: I’m really asking. I feel like Pan and P’Mee are together like this. I feel like we have grandchildren today. We have a big family. I feel happy now. There are dogs that we take care of. One is that we are afraid of feeling connected. But there are times when we also think that we should really have it. We could be better people. Then we will take the best care of him. It’s something that I can’t find an answer to. What is it? I think there probably is and probably will be for a little while. Give yourself time to do the things you want to do. People say we should have the Year of the Dragon. We were born in the year of the dragon. But this year I couldn’t make it in time (laughs).

P’Mee grew up in a family that wasn’t as big as yours. How do you adjust it?
Pancake: He is an only child. It takes a lot of time, Woody. Because he is the only child living abroad. I spent a lot of time with myself. Therefore, when he comes back to meet in real Thai society Like our family, which has 3 children and 5 parents, there will always be chaos. Brother steals from younger brother My younger brother competes with my older brother. When he meets us as a big family like this, he will be shocked. He will understand why we have to compete with each other. So why don’t you share with your younger siblings? Why is he so spoiled? In the beginning, when he was hungry, everyone was ready to eat. Brother Bear will be a bit shocked. Why is it like this? It took a long time to adapt and understand each other’s ways. The nature of each person is different. That is, Brother Mee is another person who can take care of himself. Decide for yourself; everything is right and wrong. Decide for yourself. But this way, your parents take care of you all the time. Therefore, being able to decide what to do on your own is different. They grow up in different ways.