“BamBam” reveals the most tiring story of his life. Having to be compared, it took 10 years to be accepted in Korea.

It is another pride of Thai people, who are famous all over the world. “BamBam-Kantpimuk Bhuwakul” recently opened up on WOODY FM about the hardest story of his life. Have you ever been compared to Nichkhun? and got drama that they weren’t suitable to be in GOT7. It took 10 years for them to be known and accepted in Korea. Ready to confirm GOT7’s comeback for sure. Horoscope for working life now!

I feel like in the past, BamBam has continued to have drama. Have you ever noticed that we meet more than others?
BamBam: That stuff is nonsense. I will say that after my solo life started to unravel, I started to get hit a lot. At first, I cared, but later on, I’m starting to not care anymore. When someone comes to hate us, it is the person we are who is at the center of the trend. That is, people are interested in us 24 hours a day. But the person who doesn’t have any hate says that, frankly, no one cares. It’s not just me. I can probably read every language, so it feels like I’m being overwhelmed. But, to be honest, other bands got a lot of them as well. which everyone got hit with a lot like this.

How do you manage?
BamBam: Now I’m starting to not care. When I scold, I always scold back (laughs). It might be something that doesn’t really fit with my career. I sometimes use harsh words. Because he didn’t respect us first. We can disrespect him back; it’s even 1 to 1.

Will you let it pass later?
BamBam: There are a lot of people who let it go. But actually, when you meet the real people, these people, I can’t do anything; I’m stiff, so I’m like, people who hate us. Maybe I really don’t like him. That is, it’s probably better not to have anything. But if there is, sometimes I feel grateful. I also had moments when I thought about what kind of environment he must have grown up in. How much lack of interest or love must have caused him to be like this? But later on, I thought that these people deserved no mercy. Let go of life; whatever you want to do, do it. I really don’t care. I don’t know. I feel like it’s kindness or love that I want to give to these people. Why, when giving to our people, I still can’t give enough? So why would I share it with these people? Let it go.

Before becoming an artist, many people may consider it to be beautiful. But psychologically, it’s really crazy. Because many things have happened since childhood until today, is the pressure that has happened heavy?
BamBam: If you ask me if it’s heavy, it’s heavy. It was heavy in the beginning. There will be a particularly heavy period. But during this time, there are always plans for the future. There is a new goal that I have set so that everything will always go smoothly. When he orders us to do something, we follow him. At that time, it would be a stressful time. Maybe what he ordered us to do is not good. We feel that the response to this one is not likely to be good. But if we can’t say anything, we must follow. But when the people who worked with me the fan club began to accept me and my skills, they started trusting each other more. Once we know what our goal is, whatever is in my head and plans, or what I will do, will be for that specific goal. Which makes it less stressful. Let’s say I make a song and feel like it’s not enough to reach that goal. I think it’s better not to release the song yet. Keep doing it again. Until it comes out Which is not much pressure. There may be times where the best timing is missed, but the best moment is the time that we can create ourselves. This has less pressure, and I’m starting to enjoy my work more during this time.

What do you not like?
BamBam: Speaking, in the past, we said things that weren’t in our heads. Must read script You always have to follow the script. which I don’t really like, I started to get more attention in Korea. Starting to appear on a lot of shows After that, I started not reading the script (laughs) because everything was sincere. People watching now, no matter what country they watch, know. Whether he’s sincere now or fake right now? This era is like this now. In the past, a script might have been safer. But if that happens, we can control it. If our hearts are truly pure, Without a script, it’s not dangerous.

The most difficult thing in life When you debuted there, was training the hardest part?
Bambam : It’s difficult. If you ask if I’m tired, I’m tired. But I enjoyed that time. Because I have learned many things, I think there will be a time when I debut. And the first person to debut was Nichkhun, who is Thai. That is, he has a good figure. He’s already handsome. But when I first debuted It’s like being compared to a lot. Everyone in GOT7 looks good, but after passing me, why do you have to put this person into the group? Hearing words like that in the beginning, I felt that the trainees at that time in JYP were very accepting of my skills. He didn’t compliment him randomly. If he doesn’t like something, say he doesn’t like it. If he likes it, he’ll say it’s good. As a trainee, I will always be the top, no matter what I do—work, practice, dance, or attitude. As a trainee, it gave me a lot of confidence. But after debuting, it wasn’t like that at all. When I came to see the real world, I was like, What happened? Why did it become like this? There’s probably only that period if I had to choose the most tiring one. But I enjoyed it there. So I took that resentment and turned it into strength to push myself. Because I only really got accepted in Korea, probably 3 years ago, after not reading the script. Well, am I currently in Korea or in Thailand? That is, wherever I go, I have people I know, because now it’s starting to balance out. When I first went to Korea, I didn’t have any acquaintances. Even though I debuted about 7 years ago, I still didn’t have any acquaintances. There are only those in the K-POP industry, but when you come to Thailand, you go around many places. People will already know me. But when it started to balance out, I started to get used to people starting to know me in Korea.

It’s very strange. We know that GOT7 is world-famous, but in Korea, they may not all follow K-POP.
BamBam: It’s possible. It’s been 10 years since we received this kind of acceptance in Korea. It’s been a long time.

As a member of GOT7, Ahgase has always wanted to be together. Have there been any discussions?
BamBam: There’s a constant conversation. If asked if there’s pressure, then there’s pressure. We will press on whether we can fulfill the promise we made to the fans. In terms of time as well, there are currently two people who are soldiers. We have to wait for him to come out first. That is, right now, it is each person’s duty to do a lot. So we let this year be a time for everyone to focus on their own business first. Then, when two people leave the military, let’s talk about it again. Actually, I promise that they will definitely come back together. What songs have all been released? Done. Just wait for the right time.

Does that mean maybe 2025?
BamBam: Personally, I think the plan that I think is a good time is early 2025, mid-2025, or something like that.

Have you ever had your fortune told in your life?
BamBam: Watch it. I watched it when I first debuted. And then I didn’t watch it again. And I just went to see it most recently at the beginning of this year. This year, there are many things to do. Try it once in a while.

See with a Thai or foreign doctor?
BamBam: Korean. He will be like a medium, not to the point of entering. Each place looks different, but where I went, they only accepted 50,000 won. If it was more than that, they said they would be punished by their monks like this. He would take the money I gave him and look at the left and right sides of my face and write my name and date of birth. Then he would start drawing on his paper. Some are written in Chinese. Some Korean If it’s some number, draw 2-3 cards and then start talking from what he sees first, about 10–15 minutes. After that, he will only allow me to ask 2-3 questions. I ask, and then he will use the drawing. That’s it. Come and answer with me; it’s fun.

What do you want to know about this year? Can you share it?
BamBam: Yes, actually, I didn’t ask much about the world tour. And then I asked, until I’m 30, should I be worried about anything? And about the date of the encore concert in Thailand that we are currently preparing for: I don’t have any personal doubts.

Mostly, they ask each other if they have a boyfriend or not.
BamBam: I don’t ask because this matter isn’t about luck. It’s a matter of if the right person comes in, then it’s right. If we have enough time now to be able to take care of others, we might find some opportunities for ourselves. But now I haven’t been back to Korea for about 4 weeks. My house will be deserted (laughs). After starting the world tour, my friends won’t be able to see me. Most of them will be with the team. with my dancer. And my camp team is very