“Ja Nongpanee” reveals new love. If I’m not confident, I won’t debut! I once thought about leaving the industry because fans scolded me harshly in front of the stage.

Lukthung girl “Ja-Nongphanee Mahadthai” opens up and speaks for the first time! In the Woody Interview program, the reasons for the breakup were completely revealed. After announcing the end of his relationship with his boyfriend “Jack-Thanaphon Sammaprot”, they ended their 7-year relationship. From now on, if there is a new love If you’re still not confident, you won’t launch it. and recount the events that made you want to leave the industry. Because of being harshly scolded by fans on the mic in front of the stage

How is life now? Is there something that can make us excited and happy every day? Show that you have every emotion every day.
Ja Nongphanee: Yes, every day.

About announcing goodbye to fans This time, you have a very clear standpoint. What have we learned in the past?
Ja Nonphanee: That is, before the announcement. We have to think a lot. They had been together for 7 years and had broken up once. And this time it’s something like, Are we sure yet? Because if you go out and preach immediately, Then let’s get back together. We become like children, playing and selling things. Both of us have grown up. This time, there was a lot of thinking. Both me and him actually love each other very much. I love him, and he loves me, but love alone cannot lead to a life together. So it was like today we ended on good terms. Whatever happens, support each other as brothers and sisters. This love made me feel that being clear is good, but it’s not necessary to be clear about everything in life. This means that from now on, regarding love, I feel that if there is anything that I am not sure about at all, There will be no way to come out and say it clearly, like the old man. I don’t want to be like that anymore.

But we grew up and learned. On that day, 10 years ago, and today, you are still a different person. Which is the truth?
Ja Nonphanee: It’s true. But we have to know that the truth and our comfort sometimes don’t go together. The truth is that I’m dating this person, but today’s social media world doesn’t make us comfortable. When it’s news, there will be more negative comments than positive comments. And then we are the ones who have to read. It’s like being a psychopath who likes to read. So I feel like, no matter what, love, stop fighting for a little bit. Or maybe they weren’t fighting just by posting a story. It’s news, immediately! I’ve been scolded. So I feel that if I don’t reveal who I am in the future, there won’t be any issues to connect with.

Did it take you both a long time to think about it and decide that you were ready to announce it?
Ja Nongphanee: Seriously, it took a long time to think. It was like the last straw. At first, we thought we were strong people. But when I want to post just one post, I type delete and send it to him, saying it will be posted something like this. What should I do to make it end in just one post? We don’t want to go speak anywhere else, neither me nor him, because we don’t want to do any interviews. Which will have some details.

Is it a month?
Ja Nongphanee: It’s been a month.

You two have been through everything. And they are lovers who are already friends. As of today, they should be able to hold hands continuously. But in the end, nothing is certain.
Ja Nongpanee: Yes, that’s what the word friend means. It’s better to stay together as friends. Because I said love Let’s love each other so much that we could die for each other. But in the end, there are many factors that lead to a married life. There are many stories that you cannot just love. There are little things that people might say that I don’t like about this story. I can’t do it. Or I said that it was not okay for me not to tell him about this matter. He couldn’t do it for me. Sometimes it’s a small thing. A lot, but when we talk, we can’t make it work. We can’t walk 50/50 together, so just talk and let it end there. Let’s be friends. I don’t think I have to tell my friends that I don’t like this, so don’t do it. Sometimes friends can’t do it, but we’re still friends. Therefore, the word “friend” means walking together like friends.

Now we may see something new in Ja Nongphanee’s single life. Having to rely on herself or being able to live with herself is a different challenge. I think you can do it.
Ja Nongpanee: The most challenging part was when we were only responsible for singing. Having an older brother is such a simple matter. The car must be taken to the center. We don’t know anything about car insurance. He took care of everything for us, even this small matter, but we didn’t know anything about it. But when it comes to us like this,

And now we can’t have an assistant take care of us?
Ja Nongphanee: Yes, there are people around me. But we never gave him such a thing. And today, people around you are starting to have to help.

Many times we have seen the picture that Ja Nongphanee is a very strong person. Whatever you encounter, you can endure it all. It looks like no care. But sometimes there is a very sensitive side. Please tell me about it.
Ja Nongpanee: Oh wow, we’re at the point where we can’t cry with anyone. Whether it be subordinates or parents, I feel that if I cry, my parents will be worried about me. With me, I can’t sing. I feel like I am the leader. It cannot sit and cry with everyone. In the end, I had to cry to myself. When do we feel like, Why does it have to be me? It shouldn’t be us at all in this matter. All I could do was cry in my room alone. Changes in society and ourselves today In the past, when we were country singers, we would play at temple events, municipal events, and lounges. And our clarity is to sing, be sexy, and dance. But nowadays, since we have songs, our throats are dry. Target, our customers change Our fans have changed into people who like to drink. Then I thought about going and playing for 500–1000 people who like to drink in a pub.

And when the time comes from midnight to 1:00 a.m., at that time, most everyone will not be conscious. You will find something strange. I came across a job and came back feeling like I didn’t want to be in this industry at all. They let me come on at 1:00 a.m. The pub there closed at 4:00 a.m. I came on the first song immediately! Someone walked up and scolded me. Give me a prize of 500 baht and tell me you’re like, Oh, what happened so late? I’ve been waiting for you since 9 p.m. Eeeee, we’re on stage. What should we do next? Please take it easy. We know that he is unconscious. He let me up at 1:00 a.m. It wasn’t you who was late. E. D. scolded me like this. And this incident just happened at the beginning of last year. It’s something like, How am I going to cope and keep going? Because if it really happened, I’d go on stage and I wouldn’t cry anymore. I feel like I’m failing. So I said, bro, I’m talking into the mic. which he still said his original words. We pulled the mic back, and I apologized. I’m just an employee. They hired me to play at 1 a.m., and I had to be up at 1 a.m., so someone in the card shop came and pulled him away. But that incident made us feel so tired that we didn’t want to stay in this industry.

So what do you do with that emotion?
Ja Nongphanee: Come back and pray. I mean, I pray to sleep every night. I’ve been praying for 8–9 years. But whenever I feel like I’m in this pub, I’ll get drunk. I will pray in the car before going to the event. But that day, because I wasn’t in the mood for the first song, I didn’t drink at all. It’s like we couldn’t hold back and got in the car and cried. I came back crying in the bathroom. What should I do? I want to scream. Why does it have to happen to us gradually? He breathed and then went out to pray in the prayer room. and then spoke to the old father. The sacred thing that we respect—why does it have to be with us? This is the best way to solve the problem. But it hasn’t disappeared at all. As we speak, we still feel

Before there was dry-throat music, you played it late at night. Aren’t you already there? With a group of people who are already unconscious, right?
Ja Nongphanee: Yes, but I have never encountered a situation like this. Before, there was a parched song I sometimes played at temples and pubs, but the people who come to watch us sing and watch us perform 80% of the time; the other 20% might drink and have a great time partying. But now the people who come are the people who come to see. I’ll fuck him now. And I have to eat first before making the fillets. Now, 80% of people come to drink; the other 20% come to watch and sing.

So are we okay with this position?
Ja Nongpanee: Very OK, but at that time we met that person. We’re not okay at all. And then we use that person to judge everyone. But when the time has passed, I feel that people are good to us. The events we have played in the past 2 years have exceeded 600–700 events. We have met tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands, even millions of people. There are many people who are good to us. But why have we become focused on one person? We’ll sit down and ask ourselves. Thoughts change

There is a lot of work. Is there some overlap?
Ja Nongpanee: We will run fully for no more than 3 events, but if we run full force often, it will only be 2 events because we don’t know what kind of situation we will encounter in the first event. If we assume that the first job is an internal one, we will not accept the second job at all. Because internal work must be joyful. The people who are looking for it are here today. Let’s sing a song. But you have to be happy with me. Today, our picture has changed. It’s full of entertainment.

So today, how do you manage your mindfulness and mindfulness within yourself?
Ja Nongphanee: If we go up to the first nine songs, we won’t drink at all. We feel that for 80% of those who drink, there are still 20% who don’t drink and want to listen to music. Therefore, I really only had to play for 1 hour, but I played for 1 and a half hours because in the first 30–40 minutes, you listen to the music. But after the ninth song, we will start to have fun. Because if you drink from the first three songs, you won’t be able to sing. Therefore, it must be balanced.