“Prang” is embarrassed and screams loudly, “Obnithi” shows up as a surprise. So sweet on social media!!

The program “Wor Dor Wor Ware” in the EP. Welcoming a beautiful girl with a good voice, “Prang Kanyaran”, who added brightness by starting to sing in harmony with the song “Love Story, she was very warm and gentle. This song, Prang Girl, revealed that she wrote it from the story of her life. self When I first wrote this song, I was a bit worried because people wouldn’t listen to it. But in the end, I was able to keep writing. Make yourself understand love more. Until being able to move on 100% from this song, followed by the song Handkerchief, which my mother forbade me not to sing when I was a child, and the very surprising song Crazy in Love! When the imaginary couple “Obnithi” appeared in the car along the way, This event made the Prang girl feel embarrassed and scream loudly. The couple then revealed their origins and their feelings to fans. Cheer from an imaginary couple to a real couple! Because the chemistry is very compatible. This was the first time we sang together. So sweet on social media. Causing a great deal of excitement from the fans.

Regarding love, are there people flirting with you during this time?
Lady Prang: It’s always been there. It’s just that I’m at a point where I feel like I’m still jealous of my singleness. But I didn’t block anyone. We can talk about everything. It means to come and get to know each other. It is a time when you really enjoy getting to know people.

What are the good things about being single?
Lady Prang: (laughs) Now I’ve been single for exactly a year. I feel like I have more time. Have time for yourself. In the past, I was a person who allocated time for everything in life that I had to do. Whether it’s family matters, work matters, or personal matters, When it veers into the matter of love, I have more time to allocate to myself.

If someone comes in, are we picky? Or is it open?
Lady Prang: Open wide. When I was young, I didn’t have any type, but I liked smart men. I like charming people. I don’t like very handsome people. I like people with normal looks. But when he talks or we see some of his views, we fall in love with someone like that.

At first, Prang’s dream was not to be an actor. How was the performance?
Lady Prang: Not at all, but it seems like the opportunity came from the actor’s side. And now I feel like, Why can’t I do everything but act? I feel very embarrassed. Believe it or not, when I was a child, I was all about doing activities like singing, being in the chorus, playing the violin, orchestra, or playing in a band.

And why when I was a child? Mother won’t let me sing the handkerchief song?
Lady Prang: When I was a child, I really liked to sing. Until I grew up, about 5 years ago. That is, I still haven’t given up on my dreams. I really like singing, so I formed a band with my friends. Every Saturday, I go to play music. I’m going to play music, and I’m going to sing the lead. Then one day, my friend would always find songs for us to sing. So my friend said that today I wanted to play with a handkerchief and sing. We can’t sing. How should I say it? I know the reason in my heart, but I don’t dare say it out loud. Afraid of friends teasing So I said, Can I change the song? I can’t sing this song. My friend asked what the reason was. The reason is that when I was a child, my mother didn’t let me cry. Because when the handkerchief song became famous at that time, I was about 1-2 years old, and all the kids in the alley would play the handkerchief song and dance, whatever. It looks too precocious for a child. My mother is very neat and was raised like an egg on a rock. So I couldn’t sing that day.

On Prang’s IG, there is one person who comments very often. His name is Obnithi?
Lady Prang: (laughs) Everything happened without my knowledge. When he comes to comment or something like this, He started making teasing comments. It started with me being the heroine in his MV. We are actors, and then we make music. It’s like they have similar passions. So we continued to talk after I got to play in the music video. One day, when we had a single, we invited him. On the day we released the single, he brought flowers to congratulate, and people were excited. When people thought about it, it turned out that we continued to talk about what happened. Nowadays, it’s like we talk continuously. When he had a new single, we went to congratulate him again. So people cheered.

When Obnithi showed up as a surprise in the car in the middle of the road, Woody then asked how it was when he said that they were dating Ob.
Obnithi: It might come from people seeing that we came to congratulate each other and the two of us looked like we were both single. So people said that he looked cute.