Woonsen and Nick open up today and say that we made the right choice! In the future, I want to have children with this person.

A beautiful actress and businesswoman, the mother of the industry, “Woonsen Virithipa Phakdeeprasong,” accompanied the groom-to-be, “Nick” Thanaphumikul,” which was the first time they appeared on a program together. Open your mind today; we made the right choice! I’m not dating because I’m in high society. In the future, I want to have children with this person. Be each other’s comfort zone in the Woody Interview Program.

It was the first meeting for Woody and Nikm. I would like to say that the energy of agar and nikum that can be felt is a calm, calm, cool energy.
Woonsen: Nikm is a very calm person. That is, we are very much ourselves. I also asked him if he was. Like staying with us, I’m afraid that if he hangs out with someone in the industry, he will feel tense. Or do you want something? In the end, he was able to balance it out; he is already good at work. But living life with one person is something that is not easy in married life. A life where you have to learn about people Once you can make him happy every day, it’s difficult. We have to have emotions as human beings, and some days we may not feel good. But why does it still make another person smile? We used this method so that we could be together until today, until marriage.

So when did you feel like this person was right?
Nick: It’s as Wun said. Our living standards are similar in many matters, including family, friends, and living at home. The standards are similar. And then there are some things that can be adjusted; we can adjust to each other and move on. I think one day it will feel like it’s the same team. There’s a level of trust in each other that feels like we’re on the same team. We can talk about everything. We can talk together about what our life goals are. Until that day, I felt confident that he was someone who could be with us. There is enough trust in each other to take the next step of asking for jelly.

Tell me a little bit about what the process was like when you made the request.
Nick: If inside it is the feeling that life has many chapters, think that the single chapter, the teenage chapter, has passed and we can feel it. So I want to have the next chapter with Awan. My friends support us, including Nana and Yogurt; everyone supports us. Everyone asked when they were getting married. Which we actually thought about already. But his friends helped.
Woonsen: We don’t think he’s brave. Because he is such a quiet and reserved person, we are afraid that he will not be sure that we will agree. But when I came to ask for Nikm, I was quite excited as we talked. He said he was very excited. Just saying or what, he thought a lot. But we didn’t realize it. We didn’t know anything about it. But I asked that it was like, at that time, we were already talking to each other to the point where we were looking at the future together. He became more confident that, okay, he had the right to ask us.
Nick: There’s already a trip that we’re going to go on together in France. Then he will take the outfit to film and make a clothing brand. So there was a cameraman who was Thai. So I talked to his younger brother and said that he would ask for it soon. Please help me preserve this moment.
Woonsen: But whatever angle he thought of it, it all had to be here. And we’re secretly acting strange today. Why do you feel flustered? And normally, it’s not like this. When we go anywhere together, he always waits for us. And it was like he went down first and didn’t come near either. because we were afraid we would find out that he was hiding the ring. But we didn’t think he would ask that day.

The second he proposed to us, the second he thought in his head was?
Woonsen: We thought it must be this person. But I don’t know when. I mean, it wasn’t such a surprise that he would never propose to us. In our hearts, we already knew that there would be a day for just the two of us, but we didn’t think it would be this trip. In fact, I felt that my hands were shaking. It’s like you’re not prepared for anything. The things he had planned to say to Jelly seemed like he couldn’t say them all. I have to say it again later. That day, we were just talking about the gist of what we really thought the same thing about. We’re okay with the fact that we probably have to dress up. So he went down on his knees, as you can see.

Do you believe that you guys have found your soul mate?
Woonsen: It seems like everyone is very happy with Woonsen. But we still say that today we are okay. But we don’t want to talka lot about the future which no one knows the future But Agar thinks today he made the right choice for Agar. Jelly does the best. And then he did his best. Then we feel comfortable. The other factor is that it is not that important to us.

Have you ever heard the fart sound of vermicelli?
Woonsen: Why not? (laughs) It’s already been five years. I mean, I can’t marry you if you don’t listen. You must understand.
Nick : laughs

What does Nick support?
Woonsen: Everything is listening to us. Actually, Woon feels that Nikm is a good supporter. Agar is already stressed; doing business like this requires us to have problems and obstacles. There are many emotions. But we brought it back home. So we told him what it was like. We couldn’t cut it off, so he helped listen and found a solution. Sometimes, it solves the problem. It’s like there’s a good idea coming in. It makes us feel that we are not alone. I felt like there was someone there to help relieve my stress, but he didn’t get it all. Because Awan is also a person who cares about him, like if we put stress on the person we love or the person we intend to make him happy. Agar also felt uncomfortable on his own. I mean, I want him to be 100% happy, but sometimes the work is really stressful. We have to tell him and talk to him. He is a good listener. Be a partner in life. He is a person who is very good at sharing things with us..

People like to say that you have to be with high-society people.
Woonsen: Not at all, but we understand that because we’ve always encountered celebrities and high-society people. Actually, we don’t have relationships outside of that. I mean, I’m with Nikum Woon; I don’t think about that. We’re two people who have made our own living since we were both children.
Nick: Actually, our home is a Thai-Chinese family. When I was a kid, I focused on studying well, doing well, and then working to get office experience. and then do business. It’s always been like that. I will be a student finance major. Actually, in the past, I was a nerd. I didn’t even think about knowing people in the industry. A person among the people Normally, we stay in the office and then work abroad. I didn’t think I’d find jelly again. But friends, it’s a group now.
Woonsen: People like to think that it must be like a celebrity dating a high-society person. Are you looking at that matter or something like this? But it turned out that if he’s really that high-class, We may not dare to be ourselves like this. We will have discomfort or something that we don’t know. I can’t explain it, but he’s an ordinary person. The way we work has been like this since childhood it’s like we work to support ourselves and never ask for money from anyone. It’s like supporting each other, but it’s about the way the brain works. He himself is a very hard worker. Sometimes, at 11:00, we still tell him if we can stop working first. Sometimes we stay at home and want to relax. Being someone like this too, I feel like I like his intentions I don’t like that this person has to be rich or anything. Agar chose comfort. Because Nick is Agar’s comfort zone, this is priceless. It means that we can earn our own money. Maybe you are not a very rich person, but we want to be happy. I feel that happiness cannot be found anywhere else. We must get good love for Agar. If this is enough, then we will be able to live happily until we die.

The future is clear as well. Does the picture you see together include your child?
Woonsen: He wants to have one (laughs).
Nick: Tell him.
Woonsen: If I can have it, I want to have it with him. Because when I was with him, it was like we raised cats together. And then we saw a picture of him spending time with the cat. How warm he is and how he takes care of the cat it’s a feeling that we can see. If that cat were our child, he must have taken good care of him. It’s also lucky that we have cats together so I saw that, and it made me want to marry this person. We have seen his side like this. and feel that if we have children with this person, I feel like he takes good care of me. But regarding age, we have to see if it works or not. But we haven’t tried to have children yet. So I don’t know if it may or may not depend on the future. Get married first.

If married, do we release it naturally? Do you think you need to plan?
Woonsen: I think you have to plan for your child. Even today, we still talk about whether we have it or not.