“Best Kamsing” does not block love. Ready to open your mind to meeting new people?

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Is another person who is currently very hot for “Best-Rakwanee Kamsing”, the beautiful daughter of “Somrak Kamsing,” who is famous as a YouTuber. Before stepping into the full-fledged entertainment industry, this girl, who has the blood of a fighter, was not lost to her father. Most recently, he opened his heart on the Woody Interview program about family and love, revealing that he dates someone very fully. In the past, I have learned but not blocked. Ready to open up to new love?

In following the lives of Best and his family over the past several years, we have watched a lot of clips. Want to know if on YouTube we intended to do it or if it was something that happened because the family wanted it to happen? What is the origin?
Best Kamsing: Father asked me to do it; that is, my father knew from friends. that you have done it and got money. And at that time we were in Grade 6, so my father told me to earn money to eat snacks. At that time, it was still because the father ordered it. That’s it. He is someone whose parents tell him to do whatever he wants to do.

At that time, do we really want to do it?
Best Kamsing: I didn’t feel that I didn’t want to do it. I just feel like I can’t do it.

What is the charm of our YouTube channel?
Best Kamsing: I think it’s a family. We shoot everything. Go eat or travel to other provinces. What are we talking about? We shoot everything. That is, if anyone really follows, they will know the family very well.

Before having a boyfriend, do we ask for our family?
Best Kamsing: Please, because before he had a boyfriend while studying. So I asked for it because I was in high school and didn’t have that much courage. At first, I was very scared; my first boyfriend was Hmph! So much, Pee Woody, until he could meditate and ask. You have to think, think again, consult a friend, and consult a friend again. Before going to sit down and say that this person is my boyfriend,

What is fear?
Best Kamsing: Afraid of not letting him go with you. because we love We think that parents must scold for sure. Let’s break up for sure. It shouldn’t let us be together. But we don’t want to lie to our parents. I didn’t want to secretly, so I found a time to tell him. Said that he was my boyfriend, my father said, okay, he looks okay that he invites and dares to come. because some men may not dare to meet That is, inviting for the first time and then come. Father said okay, but let’s watch for a long time. After that, he was not banned.

Like the last person who was in a relationship, tell your father?
Best Kamsing: Yes, the last person said.

But this time is different. It became like it wasn’t just you who was in love. But it turns out that the whole house is like having another child. Therefore, in order to part ways, it is as if he must also part with his home. Tell me about your family’s feelings. How are you?
Best Kamsing: Well, his family is not angry or doesn’t say anything. He still looked at him like another child. That is, when the older brother took the stuff out, my father stayed. My father sits downstairs; he carries the top. My father told me where to go, where to stay, and where to put the stuff. When is the house finished? My father also asked, although at that time the news went out that What did my father say in an interview? But behind the house, he talked. Ask each other normally. At that time, he knew that the news had already been released. He was not angry with his father for saying such things. He still has a father-son relationship.

Are you still talking today?
Best Kamsing: I don’t talk.

Is it the end that doesn’t clear much?
Best Kamsing: I’m clear. I’m not the person who quits without saying why. At that time, we were always talking. Until the last second, he said Say it all about how we feel. We feel like it can’t go on.

When dating someone, I feel that the bass is full. What are the lessons learned about having a boyfriend?
Best Kamsing: Very full. We don’t just learn from that person. But with new people, we feel that we have to study again. That is, we didn’t take what we got with the old one, like the new one will do this; no, I just learned that this man is my ex-boyfriend. He had this idea. There are men like this in the world too. We learned there, but with new people, we don’t block it. Start over, learn again, and don’t be afraid. does not compare the issues of the old people with the new ones. We are ready to open our hearts to new people. gradually learn him Even if the new person is flirtatious, it will not compare with the old person. I feel that if I encounter an unfaithful event, you will regret it again. That’s all.

Will the new person come or not?
Best Kamsing: Not yet (laughs). No, it’s very quiet. Actually, it’s not really quiet; I’m just not excited anymore. With what we have learned about having a girlfriend, we make a great debut. Being excited about it a lot is a double-edged sword too. I got a lot of insults as well. This time, we go slowly. Don’t get too excited; stay calm.

What is the most regretful thing since birth?
Best Kamsing: Grandma loses. I am attached to my grandmother because, when I was born, my parents ran a pork pan restaurant. Then the parents will stay with the restaurant from morning until dark. The person who was with us to get us dressed and take us to school was our grandma. Therefore, it will be binding when Grandma passes away. That is, Grandma has already had COVID, which is very urgent and only lasts about 2 weeks. I also learned that nothing is certain in this world. We just met, but after 2 weeks, he passed away. I still miss you so much (tears flowing).

You know that when we are stressed or something, we have to go to grandma, right?
Best Kamsing: In my bedroom, there will always be a picture of my grandmother beside me, not because we are alone in the house. But while having a boyfriend, we also put a picture of the grandmother next to it (tears); that is, just ask for this person. Today, I still talk about grandma’s photos. Tell me about any drama.

Do you feel that bass is the pillar of the house?
Best Kamsing: Yes, since my family was bankrupt. When I was about 18–19 years old, that was when my father was still earning money. After bankruptcy, work began to disappear, money was confiscated, houses were confiscated, and cars were confiscated, so we took Youtube’s money as the main family money. So we become moneymakers. And I’ve been looking since I was 18 until now, when I’m 23.

Dad, have you ever told me that you’re proud of us?
Best Kamsing: He didn’t tell me in front of me. But he likes to talk to the media in a bragging manner. would say that my son is good. What is this beautiful child? But in front of me, never. At home, we have never seen each other. different people That is, my house will be two houses, a twin house. I will live in one house, and my parents will live in the other house. Never came in to talk to the mice in the house. He’s not very busy.