“Sornram Namphet” once suffered greatly in love affairs so much that it affected his work. He doesn’t regret it if his fans go after other people.

Famous Likay hero “Bank – Sornram Enklap” or “Sornram Namphet” reveals his origins before entering the Likay industry. Opening up about the saying that the career of dancing and eating was never seen as an insult. I used to suffer so much because of love that it affected my work. I don’t regret it if fans follow other people, but I won’t stop improving myself on WOODY FM.

Today, the bank has grown and has seen a lot of things. Have you worked in this industry for 20 years?
Bank Sornram: Actually more than 20 years, but 20 years is the age of the Sornramnamphet group. Bank has been performing since he was 4 years old. He is currently 27 years old but has been playing Likay for 23 years.

Did you ever feel forced as a child?
Bank Sornram: Never. That is, we went with mother. I knew that my mother was going to perform Likay, so we went in the car too. Late at night, we sat next to the set at the Likay theater and watched him play. Today, my mother played this story. We liked the set. It was really fun. And when traveling, we would sing lyrics for fun with my older sister. Because Mother Bank has a very good voice, the heroine Likay. Absorbed without realizing it. Until one day, my mother told me that if the bank plays Likay, try it out. At first, there was a bit of acting out. When I found out that I was getting money to buy toys, I found it interesting too. But without fear There is no shyness. Just play with makeup. He wrote a poem and went out to sing it. Father went to sit and watch. So I saw the talent in us. So I was inspired to want to train Likay for the bank. I kept playing. It’s an unlock. It’s like we have stepped into the world of Likay. I’m studying too. I’ve been playing Likay since I was a kid.

You never have a holiday?
Bank Sornram: I never have a day off. And I never thought of stopping. Because the Sornramnamphet group is our name. Hiring a host also wanted to see Bank’s performance on stage. And I can’t find a reason why I have to stop work or take a leave of absence. That is, the bank is afraid like the past Covid has always worked. I encountered a question about how much time I would take to take a break while I have work all year. But when COVID came in from having to work every day, we performed and it didn’t affect every career at all. Every day when I wake up in the morning I always wonder if tomorrow we will be able to play Likay or not. When will I be able to play? If everything is normal, can the host still hire us?

And will it come back to the same way?
Bank Sornram: Come back as before. When unlocked, there were more than before. Because normally every year during the rainy season in July, August, September, there will be approximately 15-20 nights of work per month, but like this year, July-August is already full.

What in Likay can still survive? That the world has changed a lot Most teenagers were not interested, but one group was very interested. And in return, money spreads a lot. Please tell me about the Likay phenomenon?
Bank Sornram: It is accepting the changes in the world. that has changed according to the era Of course, teenagers will think that the old style of Likay looks outdated. When Bank came to perform since childhood At that time the Ligue 1 was very stagnant. And it seems like it’s about to disappear as well. Maybe it’s because we only see parents, older siblings, aunts and uncles who come to act. So the teenager looked away. But when there are children who come to continue the work, it’s like teenagers talking to teenagers about things. After that, we continued to develop. And the charm of Likay is that we can apply anything to every culture. It really can be used with everything. We can arrange everything. If it fits right, it can be perfect.

It’s for you I believe that you view Likay as entertainment that brings happiness and is also a service?
Bank Sornram: His fans intend to come and see us. The cost of the car, the cost of the chairs, the merit making, they have already traveled, not nearby, sometimes across the province. Entertaining is the performance we have to perform well in front of the stage. Father once taught us that if today we play well, we will perform well. Tomorrow we will continue working every day. But the service is that after the show is over We will have selfies with fans in front of the stage. Then went down to thank FC for waiting for us, that is, the service, both the feeling and the happiness that he would receive back home to the fullest. Impress him so he will come see us again.

How deep is the relationship between Likay fans or Mae Yok and the actors themselves?
Bank Sornram : That is, Likay fans can easily access artists. When there is something, we can communicate directly. I mean, we talk like this with almost everyone. Whether it’s suffering, happiness, or problems, we can talk about everything except money (laughs). But if you give me money, we can talk about this.

What is the most you’ve ever given him?
Bank Sornram : Bank items will be gold. I’ve had people offer me land, but there have been many cases where there would be some kind of problem and I wouldn’t take it. My parents said that we’d better build slowly, save gradually, and find it ourselves.

Do you think the audience will be able to accept it if there is a Y-type Likay?
Bank Sornram : It’s something new. I used to have it, brothers. He took off his wig and performed a Korean story and made it fun. But the Bank’s own team has never done it.

I feel like it might come out beautiful with the changing times?
Bank Sornram: Yes, it can be done, and it is also possible.

Some people say that it is dancing and eating. But for the acting bank, it’s not at all?
Bank Sornram: In the past, dancing and eating were like words used to say. But for us, we honor the profession and are honest with it. Yes, Likay is a profession that involves dancing and eating. But I never saw this word as an insult, it was like a driving force. The word “dance, eat, dance, eat” is what makes you have fans and a career. Taking care of family members and another team of hundreds of people in the faculty

There’s something you want to talk about. He said that you don’t give your fans equal time?
Bank Sornram: I don’t want everyone to think that the bank chooses or doesn’t have the same amount of time. For ourselves, we have rules to know how appropriate and appropriate it should be. I’ve heard him say that Sornram talked with that group for a very long time. But only came to see me for a moment. If there is a topic to talk about, we can talk normally. If we’re finished talking, we have to ask permission. Because there are many fans waiting. And then there will be a group that has been around for a long time, namely the admin group, who have been following the bank for a long time. We will also have work discussions as seniors who take care of the page. Take care of the bank

Fans who expect us will have a thin line between liking them and falling in love with them. Therefore, it is a matter of wanting the artist to have a girlfriend or be able to announce it. Have you encountered this problem as well?
Bank Sornram: In the past, it would have been a big problem for us to have a boyfriend or debut. But nowadays, Bank himself thinks that in order to make people love him, he must know his identity. Including the bank itself, you must always have good posture to make them love you for who you are. And if he can accept who we are, whether it’s a viewpoint or something else, it’s a small matter. Whether you have a boyfriend or not, he already loves you. Whoever we love, Bank believes that he is always ready to support us.

But the bank never revealed his girlfriend?
Bank Sornram: Never. There’s still no time to sleep, Brother Woody (laughs). I’ve always been troubled by the fact that I have a boyfriend. Then we suffer, we are stressed. About problems in married life then work hard We also carry stress to work. There was once the first scene. We have to go out and worship and dance. After paying respects, he suddenly looked up. Looking at the audience members who were already seated, I felt like I had come to see something. I was confused and strange about my own feelings at that time. Because we are very stressed about love. Playing Likay is not happy at all. Stressed out, thinking all over, no concentration to focus on work. So I scrolled through the pictures on IG and there was one picture FC posted that was a picture of me smiling. I feel like when did this smile disappear? I want my own smile like this back, so I reflect and talk to myself about what is the number one priority in my life right now. Bank chooses work The love story dropped. Decide to focus on work But today we tell ourselves again that If we are to love, no one owns anyone. If you find it, you must have it. So I do my best with my work and take care of my fans. Most importantly, the people who support us are important.

Does that mean he’s single now?
Bank Sornram: We also chat (smiles).

Honestly, have you ever been sad when fans who used to follow you now follow someone else?
Bank Sornram: I never regret it. Because it’s like we like watching this movie. Why can’t we go see other things? No one can eat the same menu every day. Maybe some noodles will be eaten. Eat something else. Then came back to eat. Therefore, it is our duty to be an artist that will always be exciting to follow. So we don’t just play Likay, we find drama and change new works. Make music for people to follow, have events, have new work, and continue to build on it. He will feel excited and worth following. I also want to prove myself. Keep evolving Let people see your intentions. We will be a Likay hero who can do many things. Because the real identity of the bank is the hero Likay

In what direction do you think the Likay will change in the future?
Bank Sornram: There is no end. It is a matter of keeping up with the world and discerning what the world currently needs. What do people want to drink? Finally, the concept of Likay Wear dark makeup. People ask, where are you going to play Likay? (laughs) Is that correct? This is the uniqueness of Likay. Outfits are endless fashion. The final presentation of Likay is singing and dancing.