“Tak Mayura” opens his heart, has no friends Because I can’t find a sincere person!

A famous actress and host “Tak-Mayura Sawetsila”, a two-thousand-year-old woman who has been in the entertainment industry for a long time. Most recently, she opened her heart on Woody FM, revealing that she has no friends in life because she cannot find a sincere person. and recounting his early work in the entertainment industry. It’s very difficult to do everything yourself.

I have to say that it’s really special because Tak rarely has the opportunity to sit down, open his heart, and talk to us about many stories. And the rest is the bonus of your life. Means I don’t want to be louder. Don’t want to be on the screen all the time?
Tak: Well, as I said, the era has changed. Did Woody notice that now anyone who wants to be on screen has to have an affair? that it is not simple or a nice family. It must be strong. because I don’t want to be like that. So there wasn’t much.

What’s it like between a businessperson and a celebrity? How are they different?
Tak: Well, I like to do business. I don’t like society, and I don’t like to go anywhere. You don’t have friends; are you kidding?

You don’t have friends?
Tak: I don’t have friends; I don’t date anyone, but I’ve met them all. I met this person. Hello. It’s over. There will be no group of friends. Recently, I have had a group of friends in the industry. She takes care of herself. She’s thin. You know, I have five groups of friends, and I’m told that I don’t have any of them because these five groups eat every day. I’ll go eat and share. I’ll see you soon. What are you going to drink now? I have my happiness. because pushing forward gives space I’m dating someone who wants to

What is a wish?
Tak: Well, we will… ah! before, but did not see that this person would not come to benefit. But I have a feeling that everything, whatever it is, if it’s difficult, it always has a price. Looking at it like this, there will be some groups that are nice to me. Why do you like this? which we do not know who is sincere with us. When we meet, how will we know? I can’t find a sincere person, so no friends. The person who loves us the most is ourselves. I love myself so much that I love him less than I love myself. In the past, I used to say that Khun Nui has been around for over 10 years. Without Khun Nui, Tuk doesn’t know how to live. I also have a begging line. I don’t know if I can live or not. Then turn to ask him, If there is no tak, can you live? I can live; it’s over! He loves himself. I love myself, so we should love ourselves better. No one is honest with us in this world. But is it true?

What is a wish?
Tak: Well, we will… ah! before, but did not see that this person would not come to benefit. But I have a feeling that everything, whatever it is, if it’s difficult, it always has a price. Looking at it like this, there will be some groups that are nice to me. Why do you like this? which we do not know who is sincere with us. When we meet, how will we know? I can’t find a sincere person, so no friends. The person who loves us the most is ourselves. I love myself so much that I love him less than I love myself. In the past, I used to say that Khun Nui has been around for over 10 years. Without Khun Nui, Tuk doesn’t know how to live. I also have a begging line. I don’t know if I can live or not. Then turn to ask him, If there is no tak, can you live? I can live; it’s over! He loves himself. I love myself, so we should love ourselves better. No one is honest with us in this world. But is it true?

I want to go back to when you entered the industry at the age of 17. That day and today are completely different things. Very few stars So we will see Mayura in almost every story everything?
Tak: It was really popular at that time, like when opening a movie. It will only be published in newspapers. Another week to see it in the newspaper In the past, there would be newspapers on the shooting set. When I was 17, I got my first fee of 25,000 baht. I think that’s a lot. Since then, the era has changed. Going back is very tiring. This generation of stars is the luckiest; drive your own car; make-up bags must be taken by yourself. Your clothes must be carried by yourself. And in the past, there would be someone who sent the queue. Drive a car and plug it in in front of the house. There is no line nowadays. Then let’s see what scene tomorrow is, what shirt to wear, 3 sets of pajamas, and 3 sets of travel clothes. Well, then we arranged to put the car there. There is no costume department for us to guess at. In those days, the hero and heroine carried their own clothes and put on their own makeup. But when it comes to drama, it gets better. There is a makeup artist who comes according to the era. So you’re lucky. You live every time. See every time. It’s fun.

Throughout this lifetime, what is the story that makes you the happiest?
Tak: The first step to happiness is being yourself. Because I’m not a schoolboy. I’m too lazy to study. My mother asked me to go to school to buy a ballet dress. I was a dancing boy. Take it to do something else; I don’t like to study. So we have to cross and grab. push to believe Said that we were the best of the brothers and sisters. In the old days, celebrities were very difficult. I want to be a star. Our appearance is starting to look good. in the head I think people, if they want to do something, will let their minds decide. I always thought that I could become a star. It turns out that he went shopping. In the past, it was a Thai Daimaru department store, and with my mother, there was a scout watching him take pictures. I started filming Lalana’s book. book cover That’s the origin of being an actor.

Being a star at that time, did you have to cover many things?
Tak: Are you dating someone who can’t talk to you? If coming to pick up, you must park in the car. Once you have a girlfriend, your popularity will fall. How do you think? In the past, when we were young, we didn’t know. In the past, we had no confidence in ourselves at all because of the children. Say anything, and they will be completely afraid; don’t dare to speak, don’t dare to answer. But being a host trains us to be brave. I’ve just gotten brave lately. At the time of my marriage, I was not very brave.

What is the first host?
Tak: Before the 7 Colors Concert, there are two programs at the same time. There is a luck program, sticking to some buttons and making Channel 7 both of them. That’s all the live program teaches us. It has to be perfect; it has to solve the problem. Which at that time was paired with P. Bird, after which Bird became famous and made an album. After that, it was Sam who came to do it.

The hardest thing in life?
Tak: Having a married life Khun Nui lives longer than her parents. Did Woody notice that the new generation doesn’t survive well? The limits of human patience in older generations were higher. The woman will endure many things in life. At first, we dressed okay and chose the right person. We’re going to die with a sword in our faces. We didn’t think about when it was going to be anything. When we had a married life, we used to be tired like this. We have to be tired of two things. The need to control and live with someone from another family more than our parents, and how to keep it tuned all the time to make art equal That’s a tough test, but it’s doable.

What are you most afraid of?

Tak is afraid to die but still doesn’t want to die. We were born into an ordinary family. We will have grandchildren to take care of. Like we don’t let go. We still have to watch him. But in some houses, when he had a family, he didn’t bring any children. My life goes back to happiness. A father’s happiness is family. My family must be good too. Therefore, people close to me must be happy too. Therefore, I cannot die yet.